Christmas At The White House

On the 24th day before Christmas my true love gave to me 4,638 red ornament balls, 17 Christmas trees, 269 wreaths, 1,089 feet of garland… and a partridge in a pear tree. Quite a gift, wouldn’t you say? And one that is currently on display at the White House for all of us to enjoy. “This is a beautiful old house to decorate for Christmas,” First Lady Laura Bush told news reporters yesterday as she unveiled this year’s “Deck the Halls and Welcome All”-themed dressing up of the executive mansion. Joining the thousands of ornaments, dozens of trees and hundreds … Continue reading

Using What You Have To Decorate For Christmas (2)

Finding items around your house to serve as beautiful season and holiday decorations is easy once you start using your imagination. Humans tend to be natural born pack rats and we have tons of items cluttering, or not cluttering our homes that we can use to decorate for Christmas. In yesterday’s article I shared a couple of ideas using a wagon, a baby pool and a planter box. Today I offer up still more household items that can be turned into an amazing Christmas decoration with very little work at all! Collecting More Than Dust Most people have a collection … Continue reading

Frugally Decorate Your Front Door For The Holidays (2)

In the previous article I gave several suggestions for front door decorations. It’s the first thing your guests see when they approach your home, so it’s important to decorate with some class and style. It’s hard to decorate when you are on a tight budget or are trying to be more frugal, but if you try some of these tips, you should have no problem and nobody will know you hardly spent a cent. * The traditional wreath is one of my favorite decorations. It’s a frugal way to add a very pretty decoration. You can purchase an already made … Continue reading

Frugally Decorate Your Front Door For The Holidays (1)

Decorating for the holidays is something I’ve always loved! It always puts me in the spirit of the season. And when I decorate, I decorate everything I can get my hands on. And it all starts with the front door. The front door is a very easy place to start, since there aren’t that many different options you can utilize. But there are some ideas you might not have considered. Keep in mind that your front door is the first thing everyone will see when they enter your home. And usually a front door is visible even from the street, … Continue reading

Custom Thanksgiving Crafts

Are you off school this week for Thanksgiving? My kids don’t get out until Wednesday, but I know some of you have the whole week off. Boy, are you lucky! You get to have lots of fun all week waiting for Turkey Day to get here. In case you need something to do with all your extra time, I have some ideas that I think you might like. Custom Tablecloth If your mom has an old tablecloth or doesn’t mind picking up on that doesn’t cost a lot, you can decorate your very own custom tablecloth for Thanksgiving (*you can … Continue reading

Decorating Tips For The Children’s Thanksgiving Table

Movies and TV (along with other forms of the media) tend to depict the children’s eating table as a prison of sorts. How many times have you heard of someone being “banished” to the children’s table? During the holidays, and especially Thanksgiving, many families set up a smaller table for children to eat off of. In most homes the “main” table is given top billing and where most people concentrate their decorating efforts. But just because Tom the turkey isn’t going to be carved on the children’s table doesn’t mean you should treat it like chopped liver. Here are some … Continue reading

It’s Beginning To SMELL A Lot Like Christmas

In a previous blog I told you about my 2-year-old daughter’s insistence that we get our Christmas decorations up on the double. Last night we finished getting up all but a few (I winced each time I unwrapped decoration after decoration–all were neatly swaddled in tissue paper—the pain derived from the thought of how long it would take me to take down all that we were putting up). But, Christmas only comes once a year and since we will be only spending part of it at home this year I figured I would indulge my daughter and get a jumpstart … Continue reading

Creating A White Christmas–Indoors

In previous blogs I listed ways you could add a few touches of nature to your home’s holiday décor. Some people living in warmer climates may have a harder time finding some of the items needed to pull off a completely “natural” look. If that’s the case with you–don’t fret–this blog’s for you. I grew up in Hawaii, where the closest thing we had to a true white Christmas was a flocked tree. (Which was technically more silver than white and only stood in our living room for one year–that’s all it took before my mother decided we would “never … Continue reading

Last Minute Frugal Ideas For Thanksgiving Decorations

Sometimes we wait until the last possible moment to consider the type of decorating we might want for a particular holiday. Usually at Christmas time all your regular decorations are up or out and that’s enough. But for Thanksgiving, not everyone has decorations unless you’ve tried some of my great frugal fall decorating tips. So what do you do when you decide that you’ve wasted all this time and you don’t have any great decorations for that day? You follow these quick fix tips and breathe a sigh of relief because nobody will know that you waited until the last … Continue reading

Holiday Decorating Reminders

You’ve read blogs about it. Most of you have seen it for yourselves. At this point there is simply no escaping it. The holidays are coming and most (if not all) of the Christmas and Hanukkah related merchandise is already proudly displayed at local retailers. In a previous blog I made a comment about the timing of the holiday décor, but now I’ve decided to take a different approach. I figure if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. With that public confession out of the way here is my first list (more will follow as we creep closer to the … Continue reading