Getting Fit: Anyone Can Do It!

It is Never Impossible Does getting physically fit seem like an insurmountable task to you? Never say never. It can be done no matter how out of shape you are or how old you are. It takes hard work and a strong will to accomplish, but you have that don’t you? Of course, the more out of shape you are the harder and longer you will have to work on it, but it is possible at any age. Meet Morjorie Newlin (1920-2008) Amazing, absolutely amazing! That was my first reaction when I came across the story of this strong-willed great-grandmother … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: September 22nd Through September 28th

Here is the week in review for September 22nd through September 28th. September 22nd Having a Clean Home Might Be Bad for Your Baby Did you go through a period of nesting before the birth of your baby? Where you frantically cleaning and organizing? Most of us go through that time, close to birth, where we want to make sure that we are prepared and that everything is ready for our new little one. Baby Blog Week in Review: September 15th Through September 21st September 23rd The Link Between C-Sections and Childhood Asthma Did you deliver your baby by c-section? … Continue reading

Preventing and Treating Dehydration

With cold and flu season approaching as it does every fall season, dehydration becomes a real concern for babies. It is probably one of the most common issues facing babies, and it is often ignored or under treated. Left without treatment, dehydration can lead to infant death, as it does in many countries around the world. In fact, it is the number one cause of infant death worldwide. Fortunately, with modern medicine at our disposal, as well as some knowledge, we can prevent serious cases of dehydration. Read on to find out what you need to know to protect your … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 10

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. We talked about dehydration, sore muscles and assessing your personal fitness this week. The ball is rolling as we get ready for school to get out and summer fun to get going. We started the week off by asking: Are Your Muscles Sore? There are all types of reasons why muscles are sore from delayed muscle soreness to general aches associated with workouts. We later asked: How Is Your Fitness Going? We … Continue reading

Dehydration = Bad

Every so often, I bring up hydration and dehydration here in the fitness blog. It’s important to talk about it, to keep it forefront in your mind and to know what to do or not do with regards to hydration. Summer time is a particularly important time to focus on this issue because we spend so much time outside and in the heat and doing things that will dehydrate us if we’re not careful. For example, my daughter would stay in the pool all day if I let her, but I also make sure we have plenty of water with … Continue reading

Are Your Kids Getting Enough To Drink?

A few days ago the heat index in our neck of the woods hovered around 105 degrees. It was a scorcher. My 3-year-old daughter and I high-tailed it to the pool where we remained for the majority of the day. My daughter splashed in the pool for hours. I didn’t blame her for not wanting to come out. However, pool rules state that food items and beverages cannot be consumed in the water, which meant if I wanted my daughter to consume liquids (and stave off dehydration) she would have to exit the pool. Dilemma. From what I could see … Continue reading

So You Think You Can Dance – I’m Hooked

It took the show’s third season to do it, but I’m officially hooked on So You Think You Can Dance. I sat glued to the screen on Wednesday evening, watching the dancers and their dances and feeling really impressed. For those of you who haven’t watched the show before, the premise is simple, but elegant. Dancers from around the country compete to be in the top 20 dancers. If they make it to the top 20, there are 10 girls and 10 guys. The dancers are partnered up and then they draw a dance style from a hat. They then … Continue reading

I Hate Migraines

For most of my life I have suffered from migraines. They were particularly bad when I was a teenager. Throughout my early 20s, I suffered maybe 1 or 2 at most. I thought I was in the clear – perhaps in some small way I had actually managed to outgrow this annoying and painful affliction. During my pregnancy, I had the first migraine in over 7 years. It was brutal and exhausting. In the six and a half years since my daughter was born, I get a migraine or two a year. Migraine Pain Unless you’ve ever had a migraine, … Continue reading

Summer Heat: Remember to Take Care

Summer is almost here and with summer comes the heat, the sun and the outdoor activities. Many of us enjoy being outdoors in the summer time whether we are traveling, working on our gardens, riding our bikes or swimming. Whatever it is you enjoy about summer, it’s the freedom to be outside and getting active. I love summer for those reasons, but there are precautions that you need to take where summer is concerned. Precautions The summer heat is wonderful, but heat means sweat and sweat means dehydration. You need to remember to hydrate on the best of days, but … Continue reading

First Aid Basics: Dehydration and Circulation

If only our pets could talk. That would satisfy a lot of curiosity, but also make things a lot easier when something is wrong but you don’t quite know what. But you don’t have to live with the mystery; a few quick checks can help you see what might be wrong with your pup or kitty. You may not be able to see much of your pet’s skin (thanks to fur and pigmentation) but the gums can tell you a lot about your pet’s current condition. Anything other than a normal pink color in the gums and other mucous membranes … Continue reading