The New Toddler

A new baby joined our family this week. She officially entered the world of toddlerhood on June 18 by turning one. Before she was placed in our home we were alerted that she had delays. That didn’t come as a surprise as most of the children placed in our care have delays of some sort. The news was that she wasn’t crawling. I don’t know if the workers who were watching her weren’t paying attention or she didn’t have anything to reach for, but she has been crawling short distances here. She likes to pull herself up to standing holding … Continue reading

Let It Be: Allowing my Autistic Son to Affect the World

Everywhere I go, I meet people who react curiously to my son, Kyle. I can almost put words to their facial expressions. “Something must be wrong with that child,” and “Is he trying to be funny, or is he slow?” His appearance doesn’t immediately suggest a disability. So they look to me with a raised eyebrow, as if cueing me to explain. Once in a while, I purposely withhold my explanation and just let things be. Not My Job I’ve decided that it’s not my job to prepare the world for Kyle and his idiosyncrasies. When I was a younger, … Continue reading