Yes, I Believe in Demons

Twenty of my fellow classmates and I sat attentively as our professor spoke. I was in a missions class listening to my teacher, who was a veteran missionary. For thirty years he had served in the country of Kenya in Africa. One day, while he was living in Kenya, several men from his village came to the door of his home. They told him that there was a woman in a neighboring village who was having some kind of breakdown. They asked if he would be able to go and look at the woman to see if there was anything … Continue reading

Demonic Doors

Demonic oppression happens a number of ways. We as believers genuinely in Christ cannot be possessed by demons because what fellowship has light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). This does not mean that we can’t open doors for demonic oppression in our lives. As a Christian, I believe the Holy Spirit will guide us to truth as we seek the Lord. God is gracious to work in us, changing our hearts to desire what He wills for us. Still, not everyone is receptive or at the point in their walk where they discern things in their lives that can draw … Continue reading