Coping with a Child’s Dependency Issues

Often, children raised in single parent homes have a high level of independence. I know that my children have had to learn how to do things and help out around the house partially because there is only one adult in the home. There are times, however, when our children may be wrestling with feelings of insecurity and instability and they may actually act MORE dependent. What can we do when our children are displaying dependency issues to help them work through it and feel more secure? I think we can expect that our children will be more clingy and dependent … Continue reading

Watch Out for Dependency

We single parents often wrestle with feeling the need to be TOO independent—at least that is how it has been for me. I have gotten so used to being on my own that I can very easily slip into stoicism. I do NOT find it easy to ask for, or accept help. But for some single parents, just the opposite is true—it becomes so much easier to accept help and let others take care of things, that becoming overly-dependent becomes a problem. Being encouraged and feeling a part of a supportive community and family is one thing; and it is … Continue reading