Making Deposits Instead of Withdrawals in Your Relationship

A few weeks back I caught part of an interview with Joel Osteen on CBS’s Early Show. He was promoting his newest book, Become a Better You. The part I tuned in during was when he was talking about making deposits instead of withdrawals. How we can’t just expect to take all the time; we have to spend time giving also. He compared relationships to bank accounts: you can’t get anything out of them if you don’t put anything in. It was a similar concept to something another favorite of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer, advocates: “You can’t give away what … Continue reading

I Made a Deposit! Why Can’t I Access My Money?

Have you ever wondered why you can’t access the money in your account? You made a deposit the day before, so you should be able to access the money right? Not necessarily, most banks still operate on banking hours and days. Banks will have the tellers and ATM machines switch to the next business day usually sometime between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Your teller should post a sign that says next business day somewhere in her window. Banks switch over to the next day because all the work that they receive (deposits, checks cashed, withdrawals made) needs to be … Continue reading

Preventing and Treating Lime Scale

Yuck! Lime scale. We all hate that filmy residue that builds up on fixtures and appliances. Lime scale can leave a home looking and feeling less than clean, even when the home is well kept. If your tub has rings or stains that will not go away no matter how much you clean, they are probably the result of lime scale. Lime scale deposits are caused by hard water, or water that has a strong concentration of minerals. Besides making our homes feel unclean, lime scale build-up can also cause damage to items like pipes, icemakers, water heaters, washers, sinks, … Continue reading