Save Money on Sweets

I was blessed (or cursed) with a sweet tooth. My body seems to burn sugar right up. Have you ever taken a sugar test during pregnancy? During the test, you are required to fast for an hour or two and then drink a sugary drink that is basically highly concentrated soda syrup, minus the fizzy bubbles. Furthermore, you have to drink the stuff within a certain number of minutes, and the experience is just horrible. Sometimes, they would ask me to repeat the test, because even after drinking that whole thing, my blood sugar would be on the lower side … Continue reading

Make Your Own “Cool Whip”

Frozen whipped dairy or non-diary products, such as Cool-Whip frozen topping can be a convenient way to add the right flourish to a desert. You can also use the Cool Whip in recipes to make mouses, pies and more. But we never buy the stuff. Instead, we make our own, which is not only much less expensive, but it is also without all of the chemicals you will find in those traditional frozen concoctions. If you want to make your own version, here is how you can do it. You’ll need an empty waxed milk carton to store your home … Continue reading

Duma (2006)

One night while driving through a semi-colonized part of Africa, a boy named Xan and his father happen upon an orphaned cheetah kitten. Knowing he’ll never survive on his own, they take the kitten back home and raise it, along with other animals they’ve collected along the way. Soon Xan and the cheetah, Duma, are closer than brothers and the thought of returning Duma to the wild is too much to consider. However, if left tame much longer, Duma will lose all his instincts and will never be able to defend himself. Xan reluctantly agrees to help his father return … Continue reading

Palm Springs – A Hiker’s Paradise

When I think of Palm Springs, I think of desert and paradise rolled into one. The spectacular desert terrain has played host to a multitude of stars, both rising and falling as well as a host of family vacations. But what few people know is that it’s also a paradise for hiker’s and hiking. You can explore the area on foot or by jeep or for the really adventurous, by hot air balloon. Before exploring the area, you should dress appropriately, wear sturdy and comfortable shoes and take plenty of water. You want to make sure that you and your … Continue reading