Do You Like Vintage?

What do you think of vintage décor? Do you like the look of hand-sewn quilts and crocheted Afghans? Do you like the colors reminiscent of another time? Maybe you picture a vintage theme room filled with old Coca-Cola collectibles and memorabilia. Can you see a black and white checkerboard tile floor, white walls, and one of those adorable black wrought iron bistro sets or ice cream parlor table and chairs? I know, it’s been done, but I’ve always liked the stark contrast of black against white. A splash of red injected by the Coke items would warm it up and … Continue reading

Traditional Design

The word traditional makes us think of common custom, a continuation of things of the past. However, while today’s decorating styles pull elements from the past they also add updated, more contemporary elements and this is true even with Traditional Design. Traditional Décor usually includes large scale furnishings in rich woods and fabrics that tend to have lots of detail. The colors of choice are rich and may be offset by bright white or black. Deep reds are popular and other distinctive colors are also favored in Traditional design plans. While high end woods like mahogany were often featured in … Continue reading

Eclectic Design

The term eclectic simply means that furniture and accessories are taken from different decorating styles and mingled together to create a one of a kind look. This style allows people to use what they have, and to use what they love, without worrying about strict rules regarding certain styles. Today, many spaces are eclectic. In the past, making everything match was the goal of most homeowners as they began to decorate their homes, but today, mixing styles is definitely perceived as more interesting. You may have noticed high style rooms that combine several different styles or colors (or both) when … Continue reading