Looking for Change in the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bath, or Hall? Go Vintage

Vintage decorating is a great idea for adding charm to your home. Vintage or vintage-look fabrics and other items can go a long way toward adding softness, a bit of nostalgia, and a sense of comfort to various spaces. Kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, are the most likely rooms to be decorated in a vintage fashion, but the style will work anywhere, and the hallway or entryway is a good example. Try Vintage Chairs Not only can you find unique designs in vintage chairs, but it’s also not usually too difficult to find a one of a kind piece at an antique … Continue reading

Americana and Antiques

The Americana theme often injects traditional, rustic, antique, and country elements along with muted shades of red, white, and blue. These colors are usually toned down a bit from the vivid colors found in the American flag, and they are given an aged feel. Stars, stripes, and images that depict the entire flag are popular in this kind of setting, and anything that feels all American is game. Denim is as American as apple pie and works perfectly in an Americana themed space. Pillows made from denim make adorable accents and look great against distressed furnishings. A bandanna, especially one … Continue reading

How Do You Feel about Design Styles?

Do you love a particular design style or perhaps more than one? Maybe, instead of being steeped in stringent design you’re wondering what all the fuss is about. The latter seems to be a trend, and strict design rules no longer seem to be dictating the look and feel of most homes. Homeowners are opting for do it yourself design and home improvement, which isn’t a new idea, but one that does continue to grow and expand. In fact, it’s been more like an explosion and the aftershocks continue to ripple. Homeowners are finding that they too have good taste … Continue reading

Elements of Design Styles

If you don’t quite get certain design styles, or you’d just like to know more, you’re not alone. Most people have to do a little research before they can distinguish one from another, especially when certain styles tend to overlap, such as Country, French Country, and Cottage or English Garden. Here are some of the fundamental elements included in these popular design styles: Country Country style often includes a mix of mint condition antiques beside “distressed” pieces, which in the past were crafted from weathered wood, leftover from things like building barns and outbuildings. Country also includes handmade cotton items … Continue reading