When Cloth Diapers Cause A Rash

There’s nothing more frustrating than deciding disposables aren’t a healthy choice for your baby but having to use them because your cloth diapers are giving her a rash. When our baby came down with thrush, we switched to disposables for about a month. We did this, because the cloth diapers we use can’t be used in combination with any diaper ointments or creams. We were thrilled when her thrush rash went away, and switched her back to our trusty bumGenius 3.0’s. I was dismayed when, a few diaper changes later, she developed a rash. I dug around on the internet, … Continue reading

Bag Balm: My Miracle

As I begin to write, I feel like a broken record. It seems like every other blog I write is diaper rash this, diaper rash that. Still, diaper rashes are a major topic in the world of parents of babies. If there’s something you think about more than your baby’s poop or butt, please, enlighten me, because I can’t think of something that’s on my mind more often than that. But, I digress. I’m writing today to share with you the wonders of Bag Balm. I’d heard about it before, I know moms who use it, but I had never … Continue reading

My Experience With Cloth Wipes

After deciding to use cloth diapers for various reasons, I decided we might as well use cloth wipes too. During my research on the subject I found that cloth wipes seemed superior to disposable wipes. I liked the idea of using only plain, warm water on my daughter’s behind most of the time, and using a gentle, non-irritating soap the rest of the time. In addition, the thought of the money we would save also appealed to me. In the last months of my pregnancy, when I was as big as a boat and unable to do much (I gained … Continue reading

Two Frugal Summer Uses for Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of those miracle products that can be used for some many things. I am constantly discovering new uses for baking soda. Fortunately, baking soda is very frugal, costing just pennies per use. I am still holding on to summer here. I know that back to school is coming up (or may have already passed for some of you), but summer doesn’t officially end until mid September. So, I thought I would share two nice frugal summer uses for baking soda. Of course, you can always apply these uses at other times of the year, but they … Continue reading

Brad Pitt vs. Diaper Rash

In the October issue of Esquire Magazine, Brad Pitt discusses a myriad of personal issues. Of his upcoming nuptials to Angelina Jolie, Pitt says: “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able.” On the issue of being a “laid back” parent, Pitt explains: “I try not to stifle them in any way. If it’s not hurting anyone, I want them to be able to explore.” Finally, Pitt opens up on a topic perhaps all parents can relate to: “Shiloh’s got horrible diaper rash, poor thing. Same … Continue reading

Diaper Rash: What it is and how to deal with it

A diaper rash is any skin irritation in the area where the diaper goes. Pretty much all babies and toddlers are susceptible to diaper rash, but those on any form of antibiotics are going to be very susceptible to fungal and yeast infections. Here is the break down on the different types of diaper rash and their symptoms. Chafing dermatitis – there is redness where the friction is greatest, but the baby is in no discomfort and it’s usually caused by moisture rubbing in the area Atopic dermatitis – the area is red and it is itchy and it is … Continue reading

When Diaper Rash Won’t Go Away

If you have a baby who has never had diaper rash, then consider yourself lucky. Many babies get diaper rash, and for some, the problem is more severe than for others. For many babies, using a simple over-the-counter diaper cream can take away the problem in as little as a day. For other babies, however, especially those with sensitive skin, the problem may not be as easily solved. When my son was a few weeks old, he got his first case of diaper rash. I listened to the advice of my doctor, used one diaper cream and then another, but … Continue reading