Are You an Overweight Mom Too?

Some time ago, a good friend of mine decided that she needed both accountability and support in her weight loss efforts. She decided to start blogging about what she was going through and how she was dealing with it. The title that she chose for her blog was quite simple “Diary of an Overweight Mom”. What Cathy did by starting that blog was amazing. She got other mothers talking about the things we all go through. Not only did Cathy write a great series of blogs but she also spurred the creation of a forum just for us overweight moms. … Continue reading

Stay Motivated!

Motivation is a primary element of a successful weight loss program. When your alarm clock goes off in the morning and you’re torn between an extra hour of sleep or a workout, motivation is what gets you out of bed. When the girls at the office get together during Happy Hour for drinks and fried finger foods, motivation to lose weight is what makes you say “No, thanks”. Following are a few links to some great blogs about staying motivated on your weight loss journey. For a full list of blogs on staying motivated click here. Guilt is something I’ve … Continue reading

How Can You Find a Diet Buddy?

Looking for a diet buddy? I mentioned that looking for one might be a thing to do in I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends earlier today. It occurred to me after making the suggestion that looking for a diet buddy may not be as easy as it sounds – so let’s explore a few ways that you can find a diet buddy. You can run an ad in your Church newsletter or post a request on your homeowner’s community message boards or join an online club. There are plenty of online associations including,, the … Continue reading

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Why is it that whenever we decide to start a new diet or fitness plan we hoard it like a dirty little secret? Are we afraid that if we let the cat out of the bag our friends will comment or tease? Worse, maybe your friends will sabotage you if you seem to change before their eyes and start skipping the weekly pizza binge or the trips to Starbuck’s. So in order to keep your diet plans from being unintentionally sabotaged, it’s important that they understand how important it is to you. You can circumvent potential sabotage because you make … Continue reading