More Frugal Weight Loss Tips

With all the high-priced weight loss products out there, you might get discouraged thinking you can’t afford to lose weight. The truth is there are plenty of everyday things you can use to help you in your weight loss effort. Read Labels Carefully Often times, the light or “lite” version of many products isn’t that much different than the original. If the fat, calorie, or carb count is not drastically different then why pay more (usually substantially more) for the product? The word lite on the label does not necessarily mean that a product will help you lose weight, so … Continue reading

The Atkins Diet – Why Some People Don’t Lose Weight

Almost everyone in America has now heard of the Atkins Diet, which promotes its ability to help you lose weight through the consumption of foods high in protein and low in arbohydrates, particularly simple carbs, such as sugar, white flour, white rice and potatoes. However, many people ask themselves about the Atkins diet and why they cannot lose weight. Some researchers have a problem with the idea behind the Atkins Diet. That is, the notion that high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets cause obesity. Some nutritionists have noted that the traditional Japanese diet is very high in carbohydrates, low in protein, and very … Continue reading

Dieting & Arthritis

Arthritis is a deeply uncomfortable condition. Far too often, we associate arthritis with the elderly, but age is not always a factor in arthritis. I know plenty of people in their twenties and thirties with arthritis ranging from mild to severe. I, myself, have mild arthritis in my hands. You can help arthritis by paying attention to your diet. The foods you eat, how often you eat as well as the vitamins and minerals you have in your diet. It’s important to understand this, because some diets are not conducive to different health conditions like arthritis. Minerals play a vital … Continue reading

A Losing Proposition

Too often when we get sick of trying to lose weight, we may resort to an extreme to get those pounds off. The problem is we’re force-fed a diet of quick and easy diet tips. These oft-misused pronouns leave us frustrated and overwhelmed. When this happens, we are prone to the following choices. These choices are uncomfortable, they are demanding and they are very, very tough. They work, but they are far from healthy or ideal choices to make. Starving Yourself In our young, we call this anorexia. It’s an eating disorder. While we need to employ healthier eating habits … Continue reading

Metabolism Mastery

Do you understand exactly how your metabolism works? Do you know how it revs up after a weight-training session? Do you know how long that extra burn lasts? Do you understand how your metabolism benefits from cardio workouts? The importance of your metabolism in strength training, fitness and weight loss is vital. When you strength train and sufficiently create overload – there is micro trauma created inside your muscles. This trauma means it tears down and your body will need to heal the damage. The energy required to rebuild your muscles utilizes many resources available within your body. For example, … Continue reading

Dieting Cheap: Healthy and Inexpensive Snacks

Why is it that today diets can be so expensive? If you are eating less, shouldn’t you be spending less as well? Unfortunately, programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers have proved otherwise. Pay to join, and then pay an additional bundle of cash for the food. The reason that programs with their own heat-and-eat meals can be successful is because they focus a lot on portion control. By packaging only the amount of food that your body really needs, you can more easily limit the amount you are eating at each meal. I am not trying to say that … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Stop Dieting

So what are the five best reasons to stop the dieting roller-coaster ride? Simply put: Diets Reduce Your Metabolism – That’s right – dieting makes you conserve energy, which forces your body to slow down its own systems in order to lower the energy output. Dieting Drain Energy – When you cut back on food and begin to starve the body, that means there is just not enough energy to do other things. Some diets are just not healthy – The cycling of rapid weight loss to weight gain can lead to stripping away lean tissue and calcium from your … Continue reading

Are You Thinking of Starting A Diet?

If you are thinking of going on a diet, it’s important to consider what you want the diet to do. If you are going on a diet to trim off a few extra pounds (think less than 10) then chances are you will be successful. If you are considering long-term weight control; a diet is a short-term, not a long-term solution. Most diets, if followed exactly, will certainly prove to make you somewhat lighter on the scales. However, most of the weight you lose in the initial stages of any diet is water weight. If you are using a crash … Continue reading

Dieting’s Top 5 Resources

Before you can choose the diet that’s right for you. You need to understand a diet requires understanding the top 5 dieting tools and plans on the market. Here’s a quick tip guide to Dieting’s Top 5: The South Beach Diet was developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist. The diet is not about low-carbohydrates or low-fat methods, but rather about combining meal planning and education to help you learn to choose the right fats and carbs. When you subscribe to the site you will receive daily recipes, guidance and tips from Dr. Agatston. These tips are designed to help … Continue reading

Water the H20 Solution

Hi, my name is Heather Long. I write for the Fitness and Marriage Blog primarily here at Families.Com. But because weight loss is an issue that I am intimately familiar with, I wanted to share some of my experiences, my frustrations, my triumphs and my setbacks. I’ve done a lot of diets over the years, I’ve done deprivation diets like South Beach and Atkins, I’ve done the moderation diets like Weight Watchers and I’ve done portion control like Lean & Fit. In the end, I never seem to latch onto a diet plan that delivers the guaranteed weight loss. Like … Continue reading