Blown Out of All Proportion

Recently I’ve witnessed examples in several marriages and relationships, where trivial incidents have been blown out of all proportion. What started as a minor irritation or amusing incident escalated and became a drama of mammoth proportions, which left behind a wake of hurt feelings, accusations, lack of understanding and forgiveness, and resulted in irreconcilable differences. All because one person wasn’t able to say sorry and apologize. In the end, it doesn’t matter who’s right and who’s wrong. What matters is that someone apologizes and stops the situation from turning into a major drama. It’s no good standing on your dig, … Continue reading

Making Assumptions

Making assumptions about what your spouse believes or thinks about things can spell trouble. I read a story recently sent us by a friend about a situation in Papua New Guinea. The men and women were split into two separate groups. Each group was asked what they considered to be the three most important issues to support children at school. Then each group was asked what they thought the other group would say. The men said ‘double classrooms, libraries and teacher houses.’ When asked what the women would say, they assumed the women would say exactly the same as what … Continue reading