Hip and Stylish Digital Cameras for TEENS

With a name like Coolpix you know you’re not getting a standard brick-shaped black camera. If you are hip, happening, trendy and fashionable–in all aspects of your life—-as many teens are, then the following digital cameras might just make the cut. Personally, since becoming a mom I’m more about function than fashion, but with these cameras you aren’t sacrificing too much of the former for the latter. Take a look: NIKON COOLPIX S7c It’s almost too pretty to use. Well, not quite, but the Coolpix S7c is one of the most fashionable cameras on the market. It’s slender and curvy … Continue reading

More Ultra-compact Digital Camera Options

Regular readers of this blog know I am not a huge fan of ultra-compact digital cameras. It’s not because they lack the ability to capture frameworthy photos. The reason I don’t own one is because ultra-compacts simply don’t fit my shooting needs. Conversely, my swinging single brother who is not a snap happy parent like myself swears by his ultra-compact camera and never leaves home without it. (And why should he considering the camera is practically as small as his wad of credit cards.) I’ve reviewed ultra-compacts in previous blogs, but I recently had a chance to experiment with a … Continue reading

Is It Time For a New Digital Camera?

The holidays are right around the corner and if you are in the market for a new digital camera Canon hopes you pick one of their latest models. Just in time for Christmas the popular camera company unveiled two new PowerShot A-Series digital cameras—the 12.1-megapixel PowerShot A650 IS digital camera and the 8.0-megapixel PowerShot A720 IS digital camera. I’ve blogged about Canon cameras in previous blogs and true to character these new additions maintain many of the outstanding features found on other successful models. What’s more, both are affordable and user friendly. PowerShot A650 IS Digital Camera. This camera is … Continue reading

Are You Using All Of Your Camera’s Features?

Perhaps a better question might be: “Are you familiar with all of your camera’s options?” My inspiration for this blog comes from a playgroup date my daughter and I had earlier this week. The mom who was hosting our playgroup had family visiting from another state-—her brother and his wife. While her brother was waiting for his wife to get ready for a day of sightseeing he grabbed our hostess’ camera and started taking of shots of the kids playing. He got a great shot of one of his nieces jumping rope. When he showed his prize shot to his … Continue reading

Upgrading Your Digital Camera

Christmas is coming… the geese are getting fat… please put a new camera under my winter doormat. Okay, those aren’t the song’s exact words, but it is likely a growing sentiment among amateur photographers who are hoping Santa will bring them a new camera this holiday season. Paging through my camera catalogs I’ve noticed a growing trend in digital SLR cameras. It appears because of their wider availability, lower price tags, and ease of use, SLR cameras are edging out smaller point-and-shoots. Recent studies show that the SLR market has grown about 35 percent over last year. What’s more, camera … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: The Pros and Cons of Ultracompact Cameras

What photographer (amateur or otherwise) doesn’t appreciate the convenience of being able to slide a camera into a pocket or purse? Can you image having a camera the size of a deck of cards at your disposal? Not having to worry about lugging a bulky camera and extra equipment on a trip to Disneyland or a waterpark? Perfect, right? You’d think so. After all, people who love to take pictures take their cameras everywhere and having a model that is ultra petite and has a high enough resolution to fulfill dozens of multimedia uses is somewhat of a dream come … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: Let’s Review—-The Camera

For last couple of weeks I’ve been providing information to those of you who have been debating whether you should make the switch from a traditional film camera to a new digital one. In the continuing series Digital Photography 101 we’ve covered a wide range of topics related to the popular handheld tech toys. If you’ve missed any of the blogs in this series I’ve provided a synopsis of each and a link to the article so that you may view it in its entirety. Digital Photography 101: An Introduction Did you know more than a third of American households … Continue reading

Computing Review August 25th Through August 31st

Video games, blogs, digital cameras, the iPhone and more. it has been a busy week here in the Computing Blog. I am happy to say that we have had two guest bloggers this week offering a fresh perspective on all things involving technology. If you missed their blogs or anything else this week, well, now is the time for a quick review. Here is the Computing Blog week in review for August 25th Through August 31st August 25th Your Blog: Doing Link Exchanges One of the things out there in blog-land is the practice of link exchanges. These exchanges can … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: Ready, Set, Shoot

You’ve done your research, found the perfect camera, learned most of its features and discovered what options are available to share your images with friends and family. Now, it’s time to get out there and put your digital camera to the test. Regardless of your skill level, it’s important to know that you have the ability to take quality photos. All it takes is a little (in some cases a lot) of practice. And, with a digital camera you never have to worry that your test shots are “wasting film” or that you will run out of space. The next … Continue reading

Buying a Digital Camera: Resolution Explained

If you are shopping for a new digital camera, no doubt that you are looking at resolution and megapixels. But what does it all mean? Here is a thorough guide to this important digital camera feature. What are megapixels? The megapixel count of a digital camera has to do with the resolution capability of the camera, or in other words, how sharp and clear your photos will be. Each image is made up of megapixels. Think of a modern artist who makes up his masterpieces using only colored dots. The more (and smaller) dots he uses, the sharper and more … Continue reading