Digital Photography 101: Printing Your Pictures

Continuing in our series about digital photography… Okay, so you’ve snapped your photos, now it’s time to print them. You have a few options for printing your images. You can do so from the comfort of your home, have it done at a retail store, or use an online printing service. In this blog we will discuss printing your pictures from your home. Printing digital pictures at home is easy thanks to advancements in technology. These days you don’t need a fancy computer to get prints that are as good as the ones you get at the store. Many digital … Continue reading

Getting Digital Pictures To Friends And Family FAST!

No, this isn’t a reminder to print out the hundreds of pictures taking up space on your digital camera’s memory card. (If your mom is like mine she’s got that job covered.) Rather, this blog is a follow up to my previous article on ways you can get your favorite family photos to friends in the fastest way possible. One item that didn’t make my last blog was the technologically advanced digital cameras that allow you to transfer your pictures directly to websites… without the obligatory wire attachments. Digital wireless technology meets photography. It’s a marriage made in Heaven for … Continue reading

Microsoft Photo Story – Completing your project

Over the past couple of days we have been discussing the creation of digital photo slideshows using Microsoft Photo Story 3. This blog will finish the series by discussing the final steps of creating your very own slideshow. If you missed any of the other blogs in this series, just click on one of the topics below to go directly to that blog. Photo Story 3 introduction Organizing your pictures Importing pictures Arranging pictures Editing pictures Titles, effects, and narration Motion and transition effects Background music Completing your project Once you have selected your pictures, added any effects, and included … Continue reading

Microsoft Photo Story – Editing your pictures

Creating a digital slideshow can be a fun experience. One part of doing so may include using simple editing procedures to make your pictures look more bright and colorful. Microsoft Photo Story 3, a digital slideshow creator, allows you to make minor corrections to individual pictures in your slideshow. Other blogs in this series have discussed organizing, importing, and arranging pictures for your slideshow. Editing pictures On the “Import and arrange your photos” screen (see screenshot near the end of this blog), you will see five little buttons below the picture display window. They look like this: Here’s a brief … Continue reading

Microsoft Photo Story – Arranging your pictures

Now that you have organized and selected the pictures you want to use in your digital slideshow, you are ready to arrange and edit your pictures. If you missed the beginning of this series on creating a slideshow of your digital pictures, you can find it here. Arranging your pictures After selecting the pictures you want to use, they will appear in the timeline across the bottom of the program window. You can see in the screenshot below, I have selected five photos for my slideshow. Unless you took the time to order your pictures beforehand, you may want to … Continue reading

Microsoft Photo Story – Importing Photos

Using a photo slideshow can be a convenient and fun way to show off all of your digital photos. There are numerous software programs that allow you to organize, edit, and publish your photos to a digital slideshow. One such program is Microsoft Photo Story 3, which is free to all Windows XP users. Earlier blogs introduced Photo Story 3 and discussed organizing your photos before creating your slideshow. This blog will begin the walkthrough of using Photo Story 3 to create a simple, but entertaining slideshow. Selecting a Task Photo Story 3 uses a simple, non-flashy interface that is … Continue reading

Microsoft Photo Story – Getting Organized

So you’ve downloaded a free copy of Microsoft Photo Story 3, as talked about in an earlier blog, and are ready to begin making your slideshow. Where do you start? The purpose of this blog is to help you get started organizing your photos before you start importing them into Photo Story. Select a topic It is always a good idea to have a topic in mind of the type of slideshow you want to create. Maybe the slideshow will be about your vacation last year to Mt. Rushmore or the latest family birthday party. Selecting a topic will make … Continue reading