Learning More about Megapixels

Along with new cameras and features, digital photography brings a world of new lingo that we now must learn to be able to work effectively with digital photographs. Everything seems to be measured in megapixels, but what exactly is a megapixel? Let’s explore the world of megapixels while we try to gain an understanding. Although I somewhat understand myself what it is and how it works, in order to delve deeper into the subject, I contacted my good friend Keith Randall with Ritz Camera for some more information. Basically he helped me understand and reword the knowledge I already have, … Continue reading

Backing Up Digital Photographs

Since we have discussed how to properly store your digital photographs, I thought I would take a moment to ask you if you are actually doing it and how often. In addition, it is important to discuss when to do it. There is a reason this is important to me right now. Yesterday while writing, my laptop started acting up. It took me a long, long time to figure out what was wrong, and I won’t bore you with the details, however one thing that kept crossing my mind was that every photograph I had taken in the past week … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007

Photography allows the capture of memories, the ability to freeze a moment in time and preserve it on a piece of paper for years to come. Photography is one of those hobbies that is a forever thing, and even those that don’t dabble in the more extreme side of the hobby, still have a passion for carrying that camera almost everywhere they go. I am hoping it is to all of you, that the photography blog is helpful to. Please let us know if there is anything that you’d like to see and we’ll get right on it. Oh, and … Continue reading

Snapshot Of A New Photography Blogger

Your house is on fire! Besides your family members (pets included), what’s the one item you would try to save on the way out? My answer: My photo album. Okay, albums—as many as possible. My firefighter brother would frown upon my answer as he constantly warns people not to grab anything when fleeing a burning building, but then again photography is not his passion like it is mine. My name is Michele Cheplic and I will be joining Nicole Humphrey (who, by the way is doing an incredible job) here in the photography blog. Some of you may know me … Continue reading

Best Places for Photo Sharing on the Internet

Photo sharing sites have cropped up everywhere. It seems like everyone wants to be able to share their photographs with their friends and family in other locations. With the digital market what it is, I am quite certain it will continue to grow. Are you looking for a good photo sharing site, but are unsure which ones are good, and which ones are simply mediocre? Here is a great list of the best places for photo sharing on the Internet. Flikr Probably the most popular photo sharing site. With plenty of fun features this site has hundreds of thousands of … Continue reading

Three Common Errors Photographers Make

There are no real rules for a person who owns a camera, maybe “take lots of pictures”. Just because you own a camera, doesn’t mean you have to know much about it. However, if you are striving to be a better photographer, or you consider yourself beyond the point and shoot stage, there are a few things you need to realize can happen. It is entirely possible to avoid the most common problems, and being more aware of them can help your photographs be the best they can possibly be. Here are three common errors that photographers tend to make. … Continue reading

Digital Photography Storage Tips

With digital quickly taking over the photography world, that was once dominated by film, it is a wonder how we can possibly stay organized. The ability to take far more pictures is there, with the issues of saving them, transferring them, and most of all sorting and storing them. Here are some easy tips to help you accomplish that. Sort photos: It is much easier to find a photograph if you have it sorted in some way. When sorting photographs, some people like to sort the photographs by topic. While this is fine, it can be hard when you are … Continue reading

Digital Camera Basics

Digital photography is really not that different than old fashioned film photography (still my favorite). It does however, stand to reason, that there are new terms, techniques and types of equipment to learn. The digital camera comes in two different form, a point and shoot style and a single lens reflex (which is usually referred to as SLR). If you are looking for a simple, easy to use, basic digital camera – the point and shoot is definitely the style to go with. These usually range in price quite a bit, and are available by most manufacturers. They are the … Continue reading

The New Digital Camera Quest

I am in the market for a new camera. Why? Just because I love photography so much that I want a digital SLR really, really bad. The extension of lenses and filters and so many new creative techniques to be had in digital photography has left me desperately dreaming of a brand new camera. I do have a digital camera already, in fact I have three, but they are all automatic and although each is unique and one has some bells and whistles I love, I really would love the opportunity to add a few lenses and filters to my … Continue reading

Digital Vs. Paper and Scissor Scrapbooking

Digital scrapbooking is the newest way to scrapbook, though it has been around for a couple of years. Recently however, with the new programs and techniques available in the digital world, it has gained a greater following. Scrapbooking with paper and scissors has been around for a very long time, dating back hundreds of years. Though it seemed to have really bloomed in the late 90’s. So which is better? Honestly, I feel it is a personal choice. Scrapbooking any way, is a personal choice, and there is not a right or wrong answer. It is about the way you … Continue reading