New to Food Blog but Years in the Kitchen

I’ve been cooking since I was around seven or eight years old and let me tell you that’s too many years ago to want to count them. I had a mother who encouraged me in the kitchen. Back then I cooked mostly cakes and sweet things but by my early teens, I regularly cooked meals for the family. So I guess by now I ought to have found out a bit about food to pass on. I will be writing 6 food blogs per month. For those who don’t know me, I might be new to the food blog but … Continue reading

How To Serve Food At A Dinner Party

As a host or hostess for an up and coming dinner party, you want to think about ways you can make things easier for yourself when serving food. Conserving energy and saving steps are very important, and you want to avoid jumping in and out of your seat all evening. When setting things up before your guests arrive, think about how you can eliminate unnecessary steps. (It may mean eliminating certain guests on your list, but that can only be your decision.) One thing that might help is to place the salad on the table BEFORE seating your guests. Think … Continue reading