Tips For Stress Free Entertaining for You and Your Spouse

Do you consider your spouse when entertaining, when deciding what to do or who you will invite over for a meal? Do you consider their likes and dilikes. Here are some helpful tips to make entertaining an enjoyable experience for you and your spouse. 1. Don’t overextend yourself or your spouse. Is your spouse one who likes big dinner parties with lots of guests and an elaborate meal? If he is not, I’d suggest you consider something simpler, like a barbecue or a casual meal or a sit down dinner with only a few guests. Mick knows for example that … Continue reading

Dinner Gaffes and Graces

Social blunders are different than other kinds. That’s because they have endless repercussions, like waves crashing against the shore of friendship and acquaintanceship. Unlike leaving your keys in the salad or your passport in your socks, these boo-boos are enduring and they are true indications of what can only be called “comatose inconsideration.” Hosts and hostesses have rather long memories, and aren’t likely to forget a guest who forgot to mention they were vegetarian or allergic to specific foods when invited over to dinner. It’s impolite; plain and simply put. Don’t forget to show up for dinner. It once happened … Continue reading

The Dinner Party: What To Serve?

The age-old proverbial dilemma of what to serve at a dinner party can best be resolved by picking dishes that are tried and true favorites and will appeal to everyone. Avoid flambé ostrich or deviled dinosaur unless you are positive your guests will go for the exotic. As a rule, stay away from organ meats, wild game and raw fish. If you really are determined to serve something along these lines, offer an alternative and universal favorite for the less adventurous that is a sure to please, such as roast chicken. Stick with easily made dishes that need no last … Continue reading

Generating Conversation at the Dinner Party

There is nothing more awkward than a silence so heavy it can be sliced with a knife between guests who are seated and facing each other at a dinner party. How can a host/hostess avoid this? The status of the weather (be it hot or cold) and the cruel fluctuations of the stock market aren’t even interesting topics to many and depressing to more than a few. So what do you do to keep everyone happy and talking? Consider the following ideas. One thought is to always pair talkers with listeners and to keep spouses, bosum buddies and conversation huggers … Continue reading

Edible Flourishes for the Table

Think of food as part of the conversation and you are well on your way to setting up edible flourishes for your special dinner party. Big bunches of red grapes over a bed of ferns down the middle of a long rectangular table turns food into an interactive experience. Guests will nibble as they surround the centerpiece and will be forced to speak to, and hopefully won’t nibble on, each other. The next time you go to the produce department, pretend you are at the florist. This will put you in the mood for selecting the unique centerpiece for your … Continue reading

Entertaining: Seven Tips for Hosting Potluck Meals

Potluck often gets a bad rap, but a potluck meal can actually be a great way to get together with friends or family without incurring great expense. The costs are divvied up between the host and amongst the guests. These seven tips will help you make the most of potluck meals: 1. Get organized. Make a list to insure that everyone does not bring the same item or the same type of dish. Four desserts and no side dishes doesn’t create a good balance. Suggest certain items that you still need for guests that don’t know what to bring. 2. … Continue reading