Deciding Right From Wrong

This is part 3 in the Values that Last series where I’ll be touching on discerning right from wrong. My first blog was on choosing my standard and my second one was on why my beliefs matter. Each one of us has a basis for determining what is right from what is wrong in our lives. Just because something feels right, doesn’t mean that it is. As a Christian, my authority is God, and His guide book for my life is the Bible. As I look at 8 common pleasures in society, I can see potential for destruction: Eating: Like … Continue reading

When Something Just Doesn’t Feel Right

Have you ever entered a place and something just doesn’t feel right? Have you ever shortly thereafter discovered the reason why you shouldn’t be there? I think most of us have been in similar situations at some point. Some people refer to this as a 6th sense. Now, before you go thinking I’ve completely lost it, please hear me out. I know many parents have had a hunch about their child; as to something they may be struggling with for example. Some gut feelings could be based on predictable behaviors or character. Once in a while things get overlooked the … Continue reading