Do You Need Any Disclaimers?

Would you be better off with a disclaimer in your marketing materials, invoices or on your web site? Are you providing products or services but need to make sure that you are not held liable or responsible for misuse? Many home business owners never realize that they would be better off with some legal counsel and verbage until it is too late, while others might go along for years before realizing that disclaimers would make things run smoother. You might also be surprised at all the little ways that you should be getting permission or having a disclaimer (using photos … Continue reading

Make Sure People Know What They Are Getting Into

The other day, I wrote about how important it is to read the fine print when it comes to business contracts and agreements. While I was writing from the perspective of our begin consumers as well as home business owners, I realized that we need to make sure that our customers and clients understand what they are getting into when it comes to our businesses too. It may seem like that is “their problem”—but unless we want to trick someone or rope them into something, it is better for us if everyone is on the same page. It has been … Continue reading