Who Does the Dishes?

I was talking to someone the other day who said that in his household, his wife did all of the cooking, while he did all of the dishes. This was because his wife enjoyed cooking and he did not, so doing the dishes was a small price to pay for eating well. We tried this in our household, but I have to confess that it doesn’t always work. I usually do the cooking, and my husband does some of the dishes sometimes. He also does some of the cooking sometimes, too, as long as it is something pretty easy, such … Continue reading

Frugal Dishwasher Cleaner

Is the inside of your dishwasher looking dull? It could be hard mineral deposits that have built up on the inside. These deposits not only make the dishwasher look dirty, but they could also affect its performance. And if you are thinking of selling your home, a dull dishwasher could be a deterrent to potential home buyers. I have heard of people using Tang to get the mineral deposits out. The Tang works well, but it is a bit costly to be used as a dishwasher cleaner, especially if you don’t ordinarily drink the stuff. The reason Tang works so … Continue reading

Save Money on Dishwashing

Want to save some money when you do your dishes? Believe it or not, you can save plenty of money if you wash your dishes the right way. Here are some top tips you can use to really clean up. For baked on casserole messes, don’t waste gobs and gobs of dish detergent. Simply fill the dish with water and add a fabric softener sheet. You can use one that has already been through the dryer to save even more. Let the dish soak for a couple of hours or overnight. When you come back to it, all of the … Continue reading

Home Chore List: Daily Cleaning Chores (2)

Have you been struggling with getting everything done around your home? It is wonderful to have a clean and organized home, but sometimes, well, most of the time, it can be tough to maintain. Or as Shelbybear62, a busy mom, employee and student said, it is a struggle keeping all of those balls in the air. I have found that having a list with set chores on it really helps me from getting that overwhelmed feeling and not knowing where to start. If you have been following this series, on Friday I gave you some of the daily chore list. … Continue reading

Dishes Get The Cold Shoulder

A few years ago when TIDE debuted their Coldwater detergent and claimed the new product could “get clothes cleaner than the leading competitive liquid detergent in warm water,” I was skeptical, to say the least. I have never quite worked through my skepticism and continue to wash my laundry in warm and hot water. (On the other hand, my mother swears by TIDE Coldwater.) Forgive me if I have a hard time accepting the fact that cold water can kill bacteria as well as hot water. I blame my reluctance on a doctor Oprah once interviewed who swore that there … Continue reading

Dishing The Dirt or Vice Versa?

Washing dishes is a very specific art form and different from washing other household things like children and pets. There is usually no greasy build up with the latter, but there is often plenty on those dishes we eat most of our meals upon every single day of our lives. Here are some tips to consider when washing them, but wait until after you have eaten first. Washing Dishes If you are washing your dishes by hand and notice that there is a greasy build up, simply toss one-half cup of baking soda into the dishwater along with the dishes. … Continue reading

In Praise of Fancy Dishes

We are a family of fancy dishes. Fancy not necessarily meaning dainty, expensive and fragile–although some are. But, fancy, referring to the eclectic and extensive collection of various plates, cups, sauces, bowls, serving dishes and silverwear that tumble out of overstuffed cabinets and shelves. It started when my kids were quite little–babies and toddlers, in fact–and I discovered they were much more likely to not only eat, but to also try new and “weird” food if we made a little fuss and ceremony and ate on fancy dishes. We had tea parties, picnics, “box lunches”, buffets, and all sorts of … Continue reading

The Law of Diminishing Dishes: Huh?

How can we avoid that build-up in the kitchen sink every day that is part of life for all of us who choose to eat? Is there some way to make it stop or at least to lessen the load? Or is it all like the incoming tide; unavoidable and endless? Perhaps some hope lies below with the following tips. Avoid using dishes and bowls for marinating. Use self-sealing plastic bags instead (but don’t misunderstand and seal your self in the bag instead). Flip the bag every so often so that the contents get a penetrating soak. Use only one … Continue reading

The Dishwasher As Energy-Saver and Friend

Here are some tips to save time, energy and money while operating the dishwasher in your home. (These tips will also work in your friends’ homes, but I am quite sure that YOUR dishwasher isn’t there.) 1. Run the dishwasher only when you have a full load. It’s much cheaper that way. 2. Save energy by using the air-dry method rather than heat dry. It may not be as fast, but is more energy-efficient. The door can be opened to speed up the drying process at the end of the cycle and if your dryer does no have such an … Continue reading

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Kitchen

Did you know that worldwide, nearly 25 percent of people spend more time in the kitchen than any other place in the home? Studies show that 35 percent of families use the kitchen regularly for discussions, 35 percent for socializing and entertaining, 16 percent for hobbies, and 15 percent for playing with children. Some homeowners have gone so far as to describe their kitchens as the heart of their homes. With that in mind, here a few simple techniques you can employ to help transform your kitchen into the safest and healthiest room in the house: Survey Your Dishes. My … Continue reading