Dishwasher Fungus

Today I read a news article about fungus growing in dishwashers. To make it even more disturbing they tested two dishwashers right here in Utah where I live and they both tested positive for fungus. Seems that in a recent study 62% of dishwashers were found to have fungus growing in them, six out of ten seems like quite a lot to me. I spent the rest of the day nervously searching the internet for “fungus in dishwasher” while waiting to get off work so I could go home and check out my fungus ridden dishwasher. Personally I wouldn’t think … Continue reading

Dishwashing the Green Way

If you have a dishwasher, you probably love the easy of adding the dishes, putting in the detergent, and letting the dishwasher do all the work for you. But, even using the dishwasher may be harmful to the environment. First of all, it would help if you had an Energy Star dishwasher. This will save on both energy (some use up to 25% less than traditional dishwashers) and water. Don’t put your dishwasher next to your refrigerator if you can help it. The heat generated by your dishwasher will just cause your refrigerator to work harder to keep cooler. Another … Continue reading

Green Projects for the Kitchen

Green living is not something that is going to happen overnight. You will need to look around your home and realize that certain changes need to be made. Today’s blog will start with changes in the kitchen. Of course, all these changes probably cannot be made all at once. You may not be able to afford to change out all your appliances – I know I couldn’t! But, knowing how to make your kitchen greener will help you do the right then when it comes time to make changes. If you don’t already have energy-saving appliances, consider purchasing one next … Continue reading

My Life with the Sink Monster

Have you ever woken up from a bad dream only to find that there was a little bit of reality to it after all? Or perhaps you have a certain sense of dread before walking down a certain alley or into a certain room. It is almost as though you can hear the audience watching you as though you are in a horror film, “Don’t go in there!” and “Nooooo!” This happens every once in a while in my house, usually on weekends. I get up on a Saturday morning before everyone else is. The house is still and quiet … Continue reading

Frugal Dishwasher Cleaner

Is the inside of your dishwasher looking dull? It could be hard mineral deposits that have built up on the inside. These deposits not only make the dishwasher look dirty, but they could also affect its performance. And if you are thinking of selling your home, a dull dishwasher could be a deterrent to potential home buyers. I have heard of people using Tang to get the mineral deposits out. The Tang works well, but it is a bit costly to be used as a dishwasher cleaner, especially if you don’t ordinarily drink the stuff. The reason Tang works so … Continue reading

Save Money on Dishwashing

Want to save some money when you do your dishes? Believe it or not, you can save plenty of money if you wash your dishes the right way. Here are some top tips you can use to really clean up. For baked on casserole messes, don’t waste gobs and gobs of dish detergent. Simply fill the dish with water and add a fabric softener sheet. You can use one that has already been through the dryer to save even more. Let the dish soak for a couple of hours or overnight. When you come back to it, all of the … Continue reading

How Long Will Your Kitchen Appliances Last?

My parent’s microwave is dead. My dad called last night to inform me of its demise. Frankly, I was never attached to the thing, but it has been a staple in their household for more than a decade so I suppose parting is sweet sorrow… My dad went out and bought another one, but his shopping trip was not without dismay. His problem is that he was trying to find an exact replica of the one that sat on the counter of my parent’s home for the last decade. (Good luck… I told him as much.) In the end, he … Continue reading

Some Dishwasher Dos and Don’ts

Your dishwasher is your friend and as such it deserves its fair share of respect and attention. It does its best for you and your family day after day, without complaint or requests for overtime. So remember this old credo and you won’t get into trouble: Ask not what your dishwasher can do for you but what you can do for your dishwasher. Political addresses aside, here are some tips that both you and your dishwasher will like. Removing Dishwasher Film Fill the dishwasher with dirty dishes but leave out any silver or other metals. Talk to these pieces before … Continue reading

More Time-Saving Cleanup Tips

Whether you believe in daylight saving’s time or not, all of us on planet Earth have to deal with the passage of time as it ticks and steals away. This is especially true when it comes to household chores, which are about as much fun as an unexpected root canal (and sometimes even more). Here are some thoughts about how to save some of this precious stuff called time that keeps slipping through our fingers and our lives. 1. Prevention is better than the cure. We are not talking here about smoking or other health hazard and disease related measures. … Continue reading

Guests Are Gone: Time To Clean Up

When your guests get up and leave, you are left with two personal choices: you can either leave with them or clean up the mess they have left in their wake. For the most part, the choice is not that difficult, and usually the latter of the two is selected. Guests can and often do leave unintentional messes and enough work after they have gone to insure that we never let them beyond the driveway again, no matter how many times they knock on the door and scream. Here are some tips to help lessen the clean-up load. Distribute plenty … Continue reading