Crossing the “Why” River

As we struggle with parenting special kids, I think there’s a wide, raging river we need to cross. The river is called, “Why?” The “Why River” extends from the banks of injustice to the shores of acceptance. On one side is a dark and frightening forest with rising mists; this is where we now stand. On the other side is an open sunny valley with occasional rain. Flowers grow there. It’s peaceful and tranquil. That’s the place we want to be, and yet, there’s that river. The thing is, you can’t cross the river, because it’s too wide and treacherous. … Continue reading

What will Happen in your Child’s Psychological Assessment

Typically, before a child receives a psychological assessment, ongoing problems have been occurring at school. Perhaps the child is combative and doesn’t get along with others, or maybe he is aloof and alone most of the day. Maybe her school work is consistently incomplete, or maybe she is acting out in some other way. Usually, many attempts have been made to assist the child which have not been successful. Perhaps his seat was moved, or he was sent to a counselor’s office to discuss his behavior. Parents have likely been notified about recurring problems. The request for a psychological assessment … Continue reading