Who’s Causing More Damage, the Home or the State?

It’s tragic enough when a circumstances of abuse or neglect require a child be removed from their home. Children, even when placed in the best homes and receive the most appropriate care still may struggle with past trauma. What is even more devastating is sometimes it’s the state who contributes unnecessary hardships for the child. I should mention that I have yet to meet a state employee who has had any intention other than helping a child. One problem I see is with the balance of reasonable time for parents to reclaim custody of their child versus the need for … Continue reading

When the Honeymoon is Over

Not everyone who adopts retains the euphoric feeling that often comes after the news of being selected or matched. These feelings sometimes diminish even before meeting the child due to fear and anxiety of the unknown. Many of these fears subside upon meeting the child. Honeymoon periods vary in each situation. Parents go through their own honeymoon phase as do their children sometimes. With my first son, the excitement lasted about 8 months until it really hit me that I was a mom and found myself caught up in everyday life. With my youngest son who was technically foster at … Continue reading