Who Does the Dishes?

I was talking to someone the other day who said that in his household, his wife did all of the cooking, while he did all of the dishes. This was because his wife enjoyed cooking and he did not, so doing the dishes was a small price to pay for eating well. We tried this in our household, but I have to confess that it doesn’t always work. I usually do the cooking, and my husband does some of the dishes sometimes. He also does some of the cooking sometimes, too, as long as it is something pretty easy, such … Continue reading

Whose Job Is It, Anyway?

These days many women in are in the workforce with full time careers yet, statistics in the UK show in a number of cases women are still doing the majority of household chores. The same applies in USA. I’m sure it’s no different in Australia. I listened to a woman in the supermarket complaining the other day about her man. ‘It’s like he doesn’t even see anything needs doing.’ ‘He’s a man,’ her friend said, as if that explained everything. According to this report the allocation of household chores is a major stress factor. In your partnership are their certain … Continue reading

What Almost Every Mother Knows

If there was room for it, the complete title for this blog would be “What Almost Every Mother Knows, But Keeps to Herself”. Yesterday, Nancy took our three oldest adopted children to visit our daughter and her husband for the night. They had planned activities for this morning. She left me at home with our four year old and 30 month old boys. Ok, I will admit it. Nancy is much better at taking care of children than I am. It does take both of us at home to raise them given the number and their special needs. When we … Continue reading