Remembering Your Pregnant Belly

Whether you love or hate your pregnant belly, you will want to remember it after your baby is born. Although you may feel like you will be pregnant forever, this is not the case. Soon the baby will be here and you will fondly remember your baby bump. You can keep a record of your growing belly in a scrapbook. Devote a page to each stage of your pregnancy. You can include weekly or monthly pictures, depending on how large you want the book to be. You can decorate the page or add some text. A note to your baby … Continue reading

Documenting Your Pregnancy

When you are experiencing the discomforts and anxiously awaiting your baby’s arrival, it can feel like pregnancy will last forever. Later, when the baby is here and the pregnancy is over, it will feel like the time just flew by. For this reason, you will want to document your pregnancy. There are as many ways to document your pregnancy as there are pregnant women. You will want to find the method that you most enjoy and will be most meaningful for you later. Consider your talents when choosing a method for documenting your pregnancy. Are you artistic? Do you have … Continue reading