Collecting All Your Documents for Taxes

Well, we are nearly into December, which for those of us who run our home businesses along the calendar year (as opposed to a fiscal calendar), we will soon be sitting down to do our 2007 taxes. Whether you do your taxes yourself or work with a professional, this is a good time of year to make sure you’ve got all your records in order and your ducks in a row… Hopefully, throughout the year you have been keeping track of your income and expenses, any estimated tax payments you have made, interest income, business loans, etc. For those of … Continue reading

Keep Your Legal Stuff Up-to-Date

Single parent families usually have a bit more going on in terms of legal records and documents than a two-parent home. Many of us have divorce papers and decrees and legal custody documents that are part of our family papers. We also may have life insurance policies and other insurance documents. These are all not the sort of papers to be looked at once and put away. As our families grow and change, we may need to update our legal papers too. I have found over the years that I have needed to keep my legal divorce decree handy. I … Continue reading