The Dog Whisperer: The Latest Craze in Doggie Discipline

Over the last year I’ve run into countless dog owners saying things like, “I’ve been watching the Dog Whisperer so I’m trying to do X to correct X behavior. Bear with the process.” “X” and “X behavior” can range from the owner trying to stop the dog from pulling too hard on the leash, to getting a smaller dog not to be aggressive to bigger dogs, to stopping their dog from jumping on people in greeting. Or it can be other problems they’d like to correct using tips they’ve seen from the show. I didn’t know who this Dog Whisperer … Continue reading

Dog Quirks: The Funny Little Things They Do

Murphy (with Mr. Meow’s help) digging in the snow… I got to thinking this morning what a funny dog Murphy has been when he started running all over the place like a wild maniac because he was so happy. (It was cold, something he loves, and he’d found a “treasure” on our walk to bring home, a stick, so he started his morning off right. That’s a lot to celebrate!) All of my dogs have exhibited this wild abandon where they race here and there at top speed in wild-eyed glee. I don’t know what it’s technically called, but I … Continue reading