Treats for Pets with Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to food, my two dogs are very different. Lally is the sort of dog who will only eat when she’s hungry; I could leave a bowl of food out all day and she’d regulate herself. Moose is a chow hound; he’ll eat until there’s nothing left and then eat some more. I can’t leave food out for him, because he’d never stop eating! It’s very hard to manage Moose’s weight when he never turns down food. The vet suggested that we avoid chewy snacks — they generally have a higher fat content than crunchy, dry snacks have. … Continue reading

Dangerous Foods For Dogs

You may have heard that certain people foods are dangerous, even deadly for your dogs. The following is a list of foods that can seriously harm your dog, and why they are bad. Chocolate — a BIG no-no. Cocoa powder and cooking chocolate are the most dangerous, because they contain more of the problem stuff — theobromine. This compound is a cardiac stimulant that can cause the dog to become hyperactive, thirsty, and suffer an irregular or increased heart rate. A dog may take up to 24 hours to show signs of theobromine poisoning. And chocolate is not only a … Continue reading