Thoughts on Murph’s Pooch IQ Scores

I have to admit I’m a wee bit disappointed Murph fell in the Above Average category after his Pooch IQ Test. While I would have been thrilled if he scored even higher than Pretty Clever (at Smarty Pants, Top of the Class, or Absolute Genius), I wasn’t expecting that. I have to admit I was expecting Pretty Clever, though. Maybe it’s just me being a mom who thinks her son’s smarter than he is, but I truly think he should have come in one category higher, at the Pretty Clever level. Why? Because there were descriptions after each IQ classing. … Continue reading

Murph Scores 100 on his Pooch IQ Test

I finally had a chance to administer the two remaining exercises from the Pooch IQ test kit I got. Which means I was finally able to tally Murph’s scores! Scoring All the tests ended with a letter answer to pick from. Kind of a multiple choice thing, but the answer we picked depended on how Murph performed during that exercise. After we took each test we went to the score sheet at the back of the book. All of the exercises attributed different point values to each letter answer. We had to find the exercise number and the letter answer, … Continue reading