Bringing Your Dog to Work: Canine Office Etiquette

Maybe you’ve found the perfect job — one that lets you bring your furry best friend to work. Maybe your office is celebrating “Bring Your Dog to Work Day”. In either case, in order to keep your coworkers and your pup safe, your dog needs to be an exemplary citizen. Here are some things to keep in mind: Your pet should be under your control at all times. Keep him on a leash when you are moving around the office — or keep the door to your office closed so your dog can’t get out. Give your dog several walk … Continue reading

Bringing Your Dog to Work: Keeping the Office Safe

If your dog will be joining you at the workplace, you need to take steps to make sure your office is pup-safe and pup-friendly. Make sure your personal workspace can comfortably accommodate a dog. When I used to bring Miko to the radio station, he would curl up and sleep underneath the counter while I was on the air. It was perfectly Miko-sized! (I wish I had pictures of this, too!) Keep all power cords and wires out of range — you don’t want your pup nibbling on any electrical cords. I caught my dog Lally chewing on the cord … Continue reading

Miko’s Job: Security Guard

Courtney wrote recently about all the different types of jobs that dogs can have. It got me thinking about my dogs, and the work they do for me. Moose is Chief Executive in Charge of Cuddling and Lally is my Morale Officer with her squeaky ball antics. The dog I had before I adopted Moose and Lally was the one who had a real job. Miko was my security guard. When I got my first full-time radio job and moved to Vermont, there was no question that he was moving with me. One of my tasks at the new job … Continue reading

When Your Dog Is Home Alone

My friend Joe is a radio personality. When his dog Cassie was still alive, he would leave the radio on for her when he was going to be on the air. I don’t know if she was a classic rock lover (we worked at the same classic rock station in Vermont) but Cassie seemed to appreciate the company. The American Kennel Club website had a poll up a few weeks ago about leaving your dog home alone. The questions (and results) got me thinking. “When I leave my house for a few hours, which of the following am I sure … Continue reading

Franklin the Bassett Hound is Back at Work

Franklin was a sad pup for ten months when he wasn’t allowed to go to work with owner Matt Schwendiman. Schwendiman owns and operates Matt’s Barber Shop in Canal Fulton, Ohio, where Franklin was a much loved fixture. An inspector gave Franklin — a four year old Bassett hound — the boot almost a year ago, saying that dogs were not allowed in barber shops according to the Ohio State Barber Board. Thanks to an article in the local paper and a lot of community support for Franklin, the Ohio State Barber Board decided to change the rules. Now the … Continue reading

Happy Take Your Dog to Work Day!

I hope you work in one of the offices celebrating Take Your Dog To Work Day today! Lally is helping me work today by occasionally bringing me her squeaky ball as a reminder that it’s time for a play break. She needs to get a job as a ball retriever at a tennis court, I think. Thousands of companies are expected to allow workers to bring their pets to work today! When the event began eight years ago, only a few hundred companies participated. Pet Sitters International started the event to help homeless shelter pets find new, loving families by … Continue reading

Pets in the Workplace?

When I lived in Vermont, I did the morning shift on a radio station. That means I showed up for work around five am and went on the air at 5:30. I was the only person at the station until the sales staff started showing up around 8:30 am. Let me tell you… that building was dark and scary at five o’clock in the morning! But because I worked for a small company (there were three people on the on-air staff and three salespeople plus a receptionist and a general manager) I asked if I could bring my dog with … Continue reading