Doing More than the Minimum

While I enjoy reading the monthly “Visiting Teaching” message, I especially appreciated Sister Beck’s anecdotes in this month’s message. She shares a story about attending a luncheon for Relief Society after completing one of the two assigned readings—either the Book of Mormon or a short history of the church. She had chosen to read the short history to qualify, but as she sat there, she felt that she should have completed the other reading—the scriptures. As LDS women (and men), we often do our best, and that’s absolutely good enough. We’re often hardest on ourselves. But there are times when … Continue reading

Just Doing the Best We Can

As much as we hate to admit it, we’re just mortals. We have limitations, we have aching backs, sometimes our feet are killing us at the end of the day. We get headaches. We run out of steam. There are days when we leap out of bed, read our scriptures, prepare a wonderful breakfast for the whole clan, get all the laundry done, our visiting teaching calls made, knit a sweater, and make bread all before noon. Then there are days when it’s all we can do to roll over and glare at the alarm clock. We feel as though … Continue reading