Elvis and Priscilla—Real Dolls

Move over Barbie and Ken a famous raven-haired couple is about to invade the neighborhood. Just in time to mark the anniversary of the King of Rock and Roll’s death, mega popular doll maker Mattel is unveiling the official, Graceland-approved Elvis and Priscilla wedding dolls to remind fans of the magical time the couple spent together. Their marriage may not have lasted long, but Mattel is hoping by preserving the iconic figures Elvis fans will jump at the chance to add one more item to their collection. The boxed set of dolls is selling for $65 and features 13-inch versions … Continue reading

Disney’s Teddy Bear and Doll Weekend

OK, this isn’t my bag, but it could be a pretty exciting weekend for those of you who do collect dolls and teddy bears. I had never realized that there were so many serious collectors of teddy bears and dolls but apparently there are! This could be a particularly exciting weekend for those young ladies who are just starting to become serious collectors as well as the many individuals who have been doing this for years. May 16-18, 2008, is the date for this year’s Teddy Bear and Doll Weekend at Epcot. It will be held during the 15th Annual … Continue reading

Hug-A-Hero Doll

Could it be the next hot, hot toy? Could it be destined for the annals of popular culture? I’m no Merlin, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see the “Hug-A-Hero” doll experience a surge in popularity in the coming months. If you have a loved one in the military you may have heard of these unique dolls. After all, they were the brainchild of a military wife who had three children at home missing their father who was deployed a half a world away. Tricia Dyal says desperate times called for desperate measures. Two weeks after her husband was sent … Continue reading

Hilary Duff–The Doll?

Is your daughter a fan of actress and singer Hilary Duff? If so you may want to encourage her to save some of her holiday gift money to purchase her very own—Red Carpet Glam Hilary Duff Doll. Ah yes, Duff is a real doll—-a real Barbie doll that is. The 19-year-old is the latest Hollywood star to take on 12-inch proportions as the world’s most popular fashion doll. And she is in good company. Duff now joins other famous (doll) faces such as Reese Witherspoon, Beyonce Knowles and Lucille Ball. The Red Carpet Glam Hilary Duff Doll, features the teen … Continue reading

World’s Most Expensive Barbie

Growing up I loved playing with my Barbie dolls—all 18 of them. I was obsessed with Barbie and her clothes, and her friends, and her accessories… you get the idea. Eventually, I grew out of my Barbie phase and my mom carefully packed up my entire collection and placed it in storage. Looking back, I don’t blame her for being so meticulous, after all, she and my dad, grandparents and other family members must have spent hundreds, perhaps, thousands of dollars on all of my Barbie paraphernalia. In the years since, I occasionally looked on Ebay to see how much … Continue reading

Elmo-Mania Strikes Again

Did you stand in line for the new “T.M.X. Elmo?” It hit the shelves Tuesday and now many of those same shelves are bare. While this latest Elmo may not be causing as much mayhem as the Original Cabbage Patch Dolls (I was about 12-years-old when they first came out and I was pushed down by a woman three times my height and age at a JCPenney in Hawaii because I was standing in front of the doll that she wanted), there is a major buzz about his highly anticipated unveiling nonetheless. Retail analysts predict “T.M.X. Elmo” (T.M.X. stands for … Continue reading

Would You Buy This Doll?

I grew up in a house full of brothers… a LOT of brothers. As a result, I was a bit of a tomboy–with a twist. For some reason, in addition to playing football, kickball, darts, and taking part in the occasional mud wrestling competition, I also had quite a doll collection. Barbie dolls, Cabbage Patch dolls, walking dolls, talking dolls, burping dolls, you name it; I had it. (Did I mention I was the only girl in this family of boys and my grandmother never hesitated to add to my ever-growing doll collection?) When I found out I was pregnant … Continue reading