Using a Change Jar to Save

Using a change jar can help you save quite a bit of money. It is an easy way to save, because it does not require an extra trip to the bank, and it is a great visual reminder and motivator while you watch it continue to grow. A change jar is not necessarily a jar, however, and can be created out of anything that can hold large amounts of money. I have seen people use coffee canisters, milk or juice jugs, bulk pretzel containers, Pringle cans, and buckets. You can use whatever you want. We use an old water cooler … Continue reading

Saving Money On Groceries part one

There’s no doubt about it – groceries are expensive. You figure the average household shops once a week, with a smaller percentage shopping twice a week. That doesn’t account for all the stops to Wal-mart, the drugstore or anywhere else extra people purchase their groceries! Gas stations are a HUGE money waster – but they have that name “convenient mart” – Convenient yes, cheap – no way! I’d love to play the grocery game but for a long time it was not available in my area. It might not be available to you either. I can surf the net for … Continue reading