Muslim “Barbie” Dolls Coming To A Store Near You… Maybe

If you have ever left a toy store frustrated because you were not able to find a modestly dressed doll I have good news for you. An Indonesian mother who couldn’t find a Barbie-like doll dressed in conservative fashions finally took matters into her own hands. Sukmawati Suryaman spent months designing the Salma Muslim doll for parents out there looking to inspire the virtue of modesty among young girls. The 28-year-old mother-of-one’s new creation exploded on the toy scene and now the Salma doll is the latest must-have toy for girls in Indonesia. The name Salma is derived from the … Continue reading

Are Those Idea Books Any Good?

Are the idea books out on the market any good? Will they inspire you? Will you find creative inspiration and create hundreds of layouts when you finally sit down to scrap? I have no idea. And there is not answer to that question. Every book is different and what one scrapbooker loves, another dislikes. I am here to tell you a few surefire ways to find out if you will like the idea book you are curious about, before you ever put a penny down. Message Boards The first thing to do is to search the Internet for a book … Continue reading

Are You A Part Of The “Bratz” Universe?

My daughter is three-years-old… and much to my delight she has not entered the Bratz zone… (Nor will she if I get my way). But, it seems I have my work cut out for me. Have you been to the toy store lately? The shelves are stocked with Bratz Babyz, Bratz Kidz, the Bratz RC cruiser, Bratz Shrek, Bratz alarm clocks, Bratz CDs, Bratz video games, Bratz cosmetics, and that’s just in the first aisle. The dolls with those famously huge heads and equally large pouty lips (not to mention their infamously toned midriffs) are EVERYWHERE! Gee, do you think … Continue reading

Where Are All The Scrapbook Magazines? (2)

In an earlier article, I exposed some older scrapbooking magazines that have now gone defunct. Now its time to take a closer look at scrapbooking magazines in more recent years. Creating Keepsakes My favorite, still. It has almost always had a place in the industry since I can remember. The leader in scrapbooking magazines as well as idea books, Creating Keepsakes is one of those resources you come back to again and again. Still standing after over ten years, it isn’t going anywhere for a long time to come. Making Memories This would be the other “original” scrapbook magazine. Again, … Continue reading

Where Are All the Scrapbook Magazines? (1)

In recent months, it seems many scrapbook magazines have gone way ward. In fact, I’m not sure why, because a few of them were very popular and were a wonderful addition to the scrapbooking world. So where did all the scrapbook magazines go, and who’s left standing? Well, in order to truly talk about all the scrapbooking magazines that have disappeared, I have to go way back. Pebbles in My Pocket The first one to leave was called Pebbles in My Pocket, which was a catalog mixed with an idea book and then later became just an idea magazine with … Continue reading

Layout Idea Storage

There is not a scrapbooker I have met, who has not found a layout or idea somewhere, that they have wanted to keep for later use. Scrapbooking inspiration is all around us. In fact, it’s in scrapbook magazines, idea books and even in the mail and online. So it’s all great that you have these ideas at your fingertips, but do you really? How do you store your ideas for layouts? Whether you are saving an article with a detailed or new technique, an actual copy of a layout, or even a photograph you’d like to emulate, magazines have plenty. … Continue reading

Boys’ Life Magazine

Boys’ Life Magazine is specifically published for the Boy Scouts of America, but you don’t have to be a Boy Scout to receive it. You can subscribe for a year (12 issues) for the price of $24.00. However, if you are a Scout, you get a discounted subscription rate through your local chapter. This magazine is a lot of fun. Using the February 2007 issue as a model, let’s take a look at what features you can expect to receive. The first thing that catches my eye is a sidebar recommending different books to supplement Black History Month, as well … Continue reading

Ranger Rick Magazine

The National Wildlife Foundation puts out Ranger Rick Magazine for children ages 7 and older to continue the tradition began with Your Big Backyard, designed for children younger. When you subscribe to Ranger Rick, you get twelve issues, one a month for a year, for the price of $19.95, and right now, when your subscription is paid in full, you get a free camera as a thank-you gift. You can also receive a junior membership in the National Wildlife Federation. Using the September 2006 issue, let’s take a closer look at this magazine. Right inside, we see a picture of … Continue reading

Sesame Street Magazine

“Sesame Street” is, quite possibly, the most beloved children’s television show ever to be aired. Now showing in many different countries around the world, the characters have gained international appeal. You can find them in the form of dolls, games, picture books, coloring books, and you can also subscribe to Sesame Street Magazine, which is brought to you today by the letter P. Well, not really, but it is brought to you by something that starts with the letter P – Parenting Magazine. Using the July 2004 issue as our model, let’s take a look at what kinds of things … Continue reading

American Girl Magazine

American Girl Magazine is written for girls ages 8-12, and a yearly subscription runs $22.95. This is a bi-monthly magazine, so you will receive 6 issues for that price. American Girl’s main focus is to help girls to find their voice and to develop their talents so they can grow up to be empowered women. Using the May/June 2007 issue, I’d like to show you what you’re likely to get in each installment of the magazine: This issue has a rainbow theme. Right inside, we read letters to the editor sent in from all over the country. Then we see … Continue reading