There are thousands of children waiting for homes all over the world. As Americans, often the children that most quickly pull at our hearts are the children here in the United States who don’t have a family to call their own. In an effort to help spread the word about these children, there are photolistings set up that strive to put a face and a name to all of these children who wait. One of the largest photolistings for state adoptions is This website provides a way to search all over the country for a child to join your … Continue reading

Private Domestic Adoption

I spend a lot of time on a number of adoption forums and there is one situation that has come up enough that I thought it warranted discussion. The question is usually along these lines: “A friend of mine called me because she knows we are interested in adopting. Apparently her niece is pregnant and wants to make an adoption plan for the baby. We have talked and she wants us to adopt her baby. How do we proceed from here?” What this person wants to do would be classified as a Private Domestic Adoption. Basically, they are going to … Continue reading

Creating an Adoptive Family Profile

The family profile is a collection of photos and information about a prospective adoptive family. It should include the birthmother letter you have written. If you have explored the different adoption websites on the internet you have probably seen or viewed a couple’s family profile. It is one of the most important parts of the adoption process. The family profile is the document that a birthmother will view to help her decide on a family. If you are working with an agency, the agency will provide you with guidelines to create your family profile. The agency may also help you … Continue reading