In the News: California Assembly Offers Equal Opportunity

You may remember a few months ago I talked about a whole new kind of marriage debate. The debate began because a man wanted to take his wife’s last name after they married and there were no laws allowing for this possibility. Well this has all changed now that the California Assembly passed legislation ending what may be perceived as marriage bias. The Name Equality Act The Name Equality Act also known as AB 102 was passed by a 45 to 20 vote. Democrat Fiona Ma from San Francisco with cosponsors that included three California affiliates of the American Civil … Continue reading

Marriage in the News: Oregon Okays Bill for Domestic Partnerships

Yesterday the Oregon state senate approved the domestic partnerships bill that will allow Oregon to become the seventh state to grant same-sex couples full marriage-style benefits under state law. The governor vowed to sign the bill into a law shortly after the Senate passed it 21-9. HB-2007-A The bill, known as HB-2007-A coupled with an earlier bill that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation is a remarkable turnaround in a state that banned gay marriage at the ballot box 2 years ago. There was some concern after the announcement of the bill’s approval that conservative Christians would seek to place … Continue reading