Caffeine Linked to Underweight Babies

Here is one more reason to avoid caffeine, especially if you are pregnant. A new study published in the British Medical Journal found that even a little caffeine during pregnancy can put your baby at risk for being born with a low birth weight. In fact, the study examined the consumption of caffeine from multiple sources, including tea, cola, chocolate and even prescription drugs. Even a little use of caffeine is linked to slower fetal growth. Underweight babies are subject to a number of problems, including some that occur later in life, such as heart conditions, high blood pressure and … Continue reading

Baby Names: Pay Attention to the Initials

When it comes to baby names, initials mean more than you might think. Keep reading to find out why. When you are expecting your new baby, chances are that you have gone over every name in the book, uh the baby names book, that is. There are endless possibilities, aren’t there? And even if you find a name that you like, there is a real possibility that your spouse won’t care for that name at all. But when you finally agree on a name (or names as the case may be), you would think that you are all set, right? … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: October 2008

If you had an October baby, congratulations! I hope that you will spend some time with us here at, as we bring you the latest news and tips for you and your family. Here is the Baby Blog month in review for October. October 1st Insect Repellent and Young Children Protecting my children is the number one priority, but one thing that I tend to avoid is insect repellent. I figure that putting additional chemicals on my kids is not the best idea, that is until now. These days, a mosquito bite is not just an annoyance, but it … Continue reading

Study Finds Link Between Depression and Premature Babies

A new study, about premature babies that shows a link between symptoms of depression in pregnant mothers and premature babies, was published yesterday in the medical journal, Human Reproduction. The study from Kaiser Permanente surveyed hundreds of pregnant patients during their early weeks of pregnancy, using a questionnaire that measured depressive symptoms. Almost half of the women showed severe or significant symptoms of depression. Depression in women who are expecting is more common than you might think. It is a treatable condition, and women should be aware that ignoring the symptoms may very well lead to to premature delivery, according … Continue reading

What is Placenta Previa?

Placenta Previa is a condition in which the placenta lies low in the uterus. It can be near, or even covering, the cervix. When the cervix is entirely covered by the placenta, it is known as complete previa. Placenta previa is often diagnosed during ultrasound. The severity of the diagnosis varies. In some cases, when it is found in early pregnancy, the placenta may move upward and away from the cervix as the pregnancy progresses. In this instance, the condition isn’t serious. The later in the pregnancy the condition is found, the less likely it will move. About ten percent … Continue reading

Baby’s Gender Linked to Diet

Are your children more of one gender than the other? Are you hoping specifically for a boy or a girl? New research says that your diet may have something to do with the sex of your baby! And in some developed countries, the proportion of boys is actually falling due to dietary changes. While I often laugh at gender prediction kits, quizzes, and advice, this is one study that actually has some science behind it, so it got my attention. Having had four pregnancies in which three of the pregnancies resulted in boy fetuses and only one in a girl, … Continue reading

Tricking a Spouse Into Parenthood

What would you do when you found out that one spouse was trying to trick the other into becoming a parent? Here is a scenario that happened to me a few years ago. One of my very good friends, let’s call her Denise, decided that she really wanted a baby. She had gotten married less than a year before, and was in a happy marriage. She felt it was time to have a baby, but her spouse didn’t agree. He definitely wanted to wait and wasn’t even sure if he would ever be ready to be a parent. My friend’s … Continue reading

My Obsession with Baby Feet

Let’s face it, babies are cute even when they fill up their diapers. We all know that. But when it comes to baby feet, I am completely obsessed. I just love little baby feet. They are cute, compact and unlike adult feet, adorable. I love the little toes and the little flat arches that kick out in excitement. And yes, I even love the smell. People often talk about that great baby smell that you get when taking a whiff of a freshly washed warm little baby head, but I prefer the little feet. For one thing, there are two … Continue reading

Baby Name Trends: Place Names

What are some of the trends that are affecting baby names this year? Can you find a name that is both popular and unique at the same time? The key to a great baby name is finding one that will stand the test of time, while still feeling that the name will still be recognized this century. Take a look at what is currently going on in popular baby naming. Place names Place names can go in and out of style. But they usually hang on somewhere in the top 100 names no matter what the trend. The upside of … Continue reading

Migraines during Pregnancy can Increase Stroke Risk

A study from Duke University Medical Center looked at the connection between migraines during pregnancy and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Study authors started with the assumption that women who have migraines tend to also have vascular disease. And if you are at risk for one (migraines) or the other (cardiovascular disease), then you should be working to modify, control, or reduce your risk factors while pregnant. The study looked at pregnancy discharge data for nearly seventeen million American women over a four year period (2000-2003). Out of those seventeen million women, nearly thirty-four thousand women had … Continue reading