How Do You Give?

Suppose someone comes to the door collecting for a specific charity how do you respond? Do you scrabble around guiltily for a small amount of small change, just to get rid of them? Do you give money to their cause and then deduct it from what you would normally give to another charity or organization? Do you tell them no because it is not part of your planned giving? Or do you alternate between all the above and then manage to feel guilty and in the wrong no matter which option you choose? In our household we make it a … Continue reading

Door-To-Door Charity Collectors

It’s your child’s naptime and the door rings, the dog barks and there stands someone who may have overlooked your “No Soliciting” sign outside the door. Has this happened to you? Alright, what about after you’ve sat down to dinner with your family and you hear a knock at the door and there stands a person quickly stating, “I’m not here to sell anything…”? This bothers some families more than others; I too am one of those who are bothered by my uninvited company. Sadly, most of us can’t help but be skeptical of the motive behind a stranger asking … Continue reading