Is It Too Early?

Somethings are just too embarrassing to admit. Okay, so most of us have been there before. We’ve waited and wondered if it was the right time, or if we should just wait for a few more weeks. But some things happen even when you don’t expect them too. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised at it happening. After all, everything around me seems to be screaming out to me that it is the right time now. Every time I go into a store, for example, I feel as though I am surrounded with Christmas decorations, trees, and even music. … Continue reading

Frugal Music

Music soothes the savage beast, and the overworked human, too. Getting your groove on with some tunes is a sure way to relax and unwind or pump up to get the job done. In this age of iPods, it is easy to rack up a good amount of debt just by downloading music, going to concerts, buying CDs, etc. But music doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, it can be frugal. Here is how. If you are talented enough to play music, consider gaining access to free sheet music. You can find everything from current favorites to pop hits … Continue reading

Firefox Download May Have Set a New World Record

What is your favorite browser? For many it is Firefox by Mozilla, a browser that I personally like. Apparently, many other users feel the same way that I do. Firefox fans are busy downloading the new Firefox 3 at a rate of 9,000 copies per minute! Firefox has many loyal fans who collectively attempted to set a world record for the most software downloads in a 24-hour period. The category is a new one for the Guinness Book of World Records, and it has to be verified, a process that could take up to a week. But for users, it … Continue reading

Putting Your Goodies to Use

Last week, we talked a little bit about some downloads available at the LDS website. The simplest and most obvious uses include saving them onto your computer, playing them on your MP3 player, or burning them onto a CD in your car. However, I’d like to suggest a couple of alternate uses. Traveling magazines on CDs for your kids – Recently, with all of the traveling we do, I’ve been getting books on CD for my children to listen to in the car. I was amazed last week to realize that the Friend was downloadable. Since we already subscribe to … Continue reading

Did You Miss Conference?

Yesterday, we talked about some great steps towards growing from General Conference. However, what if you were unable to attend all four (or five, if you are a priesthood holder) sessions? This is one of those things that I love about the world we live in today – technology. In fact, some of this technology enabled me to keep my three kids (all under the age of six) from terrorizing everyone else during Conference this weekend. There are so many ways that we can listen to Conference today. Audio archives of General Conference are already available on MP3. For more … Continue reading

BYU Broadcast – What a Resource!

As much as I love the Internet and the possibilities it brings, I find myself constantly amazed at just how much stuff you can really find online. I knew about the church website, and the ability to download Conference and other talks (most notably the Relief Society and Young Women’s annual meetings). But a friend of mine recently clued me in on another site I hadn’t thought to seek out – BYU Broadcast. I actually went to the BYU radio page in search of the talks about Isaiah she had told me existed. But the more I explored, the more … Continue reading

iTunes News – Maybe Movies by the end of ’06!

If you enjoy the ease and convenience of being able to download your media, music, television shows, even movies, this news is going to make you happy. Apple Computers Inc. is in talks with the major movie studios in Hollywood to have available for download the latest and greatest movies as well as some of your favorite classics. Variety reported, citing unrevealed sources that you may see movies on the Apple iTunes Music Store by the end of 2006. The big sticking point right now is the cost the movie downloads will cost you. It’s been reported that Apple’s Chief … Continue reading