The Salwen Family Downsizes Their Lifestyle

Yesterday, I was flipping through my latest PEOPLE magazine, when I saw a book review that caught my attention. “The Power of Half: One Family’s Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back” tells the story of the Salwen family. This family of four was living the good life. Their 6,500 square foot in Atlanta had three Viking stoves, an elegant dining room, Portuguese inlaid tile, an elevator, and a $2 million price tag. Then one day, something happened. No, dad Kevin didn’t lose his job as a writer and entrepreneur, there was no major family catastrophe for mom Joan, … Continue reading

How to Downsize Your Finances

Downsizing your finances may be necessary if you lose income or find yourself with unexpected expenses. Downsizing can be either temporary or more long term. But one thing is clear, when you downsize, you will give yourself the breathing room you need to get yourself back on track. Downsizing can be a bit traumatic at first. You may be used to a certain way of doing things, and learning a new way can be challenging. But the nice thing about downsizing is that it gives you the time to make the choices you want to make that work for your … Continue reading

Saving Money by Downgrading

Downgrading isn’t something that most of us like to do. Usually, we forge ahead and upgrade or super size things in our lives. But there is a lot of joy in downgrading. Not only can you remove many money worries from your life, but living more simply may lead to enjoying yourself more. There is often less of a feeling of having to rush around to fit everything in. Downgrading can come in many different areas and many different levels. You might be comfortable living in a smaller house but could never give up expensive vacations. That is okay, being … Continue reading