What About all Those Dreams?

I hope you’re married to your dream guy or gal, but the dreams I’m referencing here are those that you and your spouse had early in your relationship. Maybe you dreamed of buying a home together or having children or starting a business. Do you remember all the dreams you shared? I have to stop and think about it sometimes, because so much has happened in our lives since those days. I do remember quite a few of the things we hoped for and there are several of those dreams that never materialized. That may be true for many couples … Continue reading

Consulting the Dream Book

For several years, we have had a family “Dream Book”–it has become a worn, oft-consulted manual with soft, slack binding. I’m certain I picked it up off one of the clearance stacks at a book store and brought it home to add to our already overflowing shelves of books. I thought it might be a fun book to have around. For once, I was right. Consulting the book of dream symbols has become a common activity and a great conversation starter–even on those grumpy, hormonal and stressed mornings that occur far too often around here. As a family who likes … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About the Week in Review

This week I touched on some intimate pregnancy issues, and some that may affect a woman in early stages of pregnancy. In Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition 1, I suggested that we as women can sense pregnancy before we get that positive test result. This can be an amazing thing for a woman, especially if she has been trying to conceive. In Let’s Talk About Dreams During Pregnancy, I gave simple tips on how to use your dream journal as therapy. Sometimes our dreams can help us channel our feelings in a positive way. In Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Dreams During Pregnancy

Pregnant women have been known to dream of delivery and impending motherhood throughout the three trimesters, and dreams have the tendency to be quite vivid. Here are some helpful links for learning more about how your dreams can affect your waking life, and vice versa: Do dreams really mean anything? Members talk (thread) Dreams of miscarrying (thread) Try interpreting your dreams with the help of a dream dictionary. Perhaps journaling your dreams will allow you unique insight to your baby-to-be. Interpreting a dream about pregnancy or childbirth when you are already aware of the pregnancy doesn’t take a lot of … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition 1

Sensing a Pregnancy “Are you in there little fetus? In 9 months will you come greet us? I will buy you some ADIDAS!” Does everyone remember Phoebe from the hit show FRIENDS? She sang this song while sitting upside down on a sofa, after being implanted with the embryos of her brother and his wife. She offered to be their surrogate carrier, and although I knew I was pregnant and carrying my own fetus, I found myself humming this little song quite often during those first weeks. And yes, I will be buying some ADIDAS. But since baby is very … Continue reading

Do dreams really mean anything?

We all have weird dreams from time to time. Some dreams make no sense at all, others seem to follow recurring themes and visit us at night on a regular basis. Often we are being threatened in a dream and we cannot scream. Another common theme is falling, or tripping over. Sometimes present-day activities will take place in our childhood home of long ago. We dream of people and places that are both strange and very familiar. But do any of these nocturnal adventures really mean anything? Given the number of books on dream analysis that are available and the … Continue reading

The Blue Bottle Club — Penelope J. Stokes

“The Blue Bottle Club” was the first major hit for Christian author Penelope J. Stokes and has won her fans from far and wide. It’s Christmas Day, 1929, and four friends have gathered together in an attic to share their dreams. The stock market has taken a dive and life is uncertain for all of them, so they decide to make a pact that they will always be friends, that they will support each other, and that they will see their dreams fulfilled. Letitia goes first. She takes out a piece of paper and reads what she has written: “I, … Continue reading

My Secret Wish

For as long as I can remember, I have had a secret wish, an untold goal if you will, to own a bookstore with a marvelous little café included. Not trendy like Borders or Barnes and Noble, but homey, friendly, even inviting. Of course it would have the catchiest of names and I’d want it to be a haven for the reader and the author. I want to host monthly author readings and Q&A’s, I want to hold book launch parties, I want to host book groups and children’s hours. I want the best chef to be in charge of … Continue reading