Ways to Water Less

Well, after most of the summer is behind us as far as the calendar is concerned, it has finally arrived in terms of the weather. Nice, tolerable, if sometimes rainy, days have given away to the heat of August. And while no one seems to have to do much watering of the gardens and law up to this point, that is quickly changing. Still, there are some great ways to reduce your watering without turning your lawn into a rock garden. Of course, you can start by using native plants and ground cover. Native plants and grasses are used to … Continue reading

Collecting Rainwater

Did you know that the average American uses 101 gallons of water a day for their home and yard? As climate changes bring about increased drought, this number will become even more shocking than it already is. Some homeowners are choosing the green option of collecting rainwater. Rainwater can reduce the reliance on city water and save resources, especially as water ordinances and restrictions are becoming tighter and water more scarce. While non-purified rainwater should not be used for drinking, there are so many other uses for it. Rainwater can be used to water lawns and gardens, do laundry, fill … Continue reading

From Idea to Reality

Australia has been for some time and is still in the grip of a severe drought that has made life difficult for farmers and those on the land. But fellow Aussies on the South Coast have been doing there bit to help out those suffering the effects of drought. In early December, when my husband and I stopped off at Kiama on the way to Sydney, a benefit concert was setting up for later that day to raise money for those struggling at present. This week our local paper ran the story of a woman from the Bega area who … Continue reading

How Water Woes In Georgia May Affect Your Travel Plans

If you are planning to visit the Southeast region of the United States be warned—-much of the area is experiencing severe drought conditions, especially the state of Georgia. Which means your travel plans could be affected by the state’s efforts to conserve water. Visitors to the area will notice water conservation efforts at a variety of popular tourist attractions including the Georgia Aquarium, home of the world’s largest fish tank. Because of the drought, staff members at the always-crowded Atlanta attraction have been forced to empty some of its water displays. For example, a lake in the atrium is now … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action Week 3, Day 2: It’s Raining, It’s Pouring

Storm clouds are gathering outside and the gray sky is oppressive. It’s hard to regret the rain during a time when my area desperately needs it. We’ve been in a severe drought since last year and many of our local bodies of water have been significantly decreased. We went weeks and weeks without rain and when we did get rain, it was always in drips and dregs. An Exercise Drought It seems that we as a nation have been in an exercise drought for a lot longer than the last couple of years. We need exercise as regular and as … Continue reading

Top 10 Flowers That Thrive In The Dog Days of Summer

If news reports are accurate, there is not a single portion of the United States that has escaped the crippling effects of this July heat wave. Is your lawn brown? Your flowers parched? Have you about given up on trying to keep them vibrant? Perhaps, things are not as bad as they seem. There are some very attractive plants and flowers that thrive in the intense summer heat (and I’m not just referring to cactus). If you are looking to add some color around your front door or along the back patio, consider some of these options that will offer … Continue reading