Building Up a Tolerance to Pain Medication

Welcome to blistering headache, day two. My whopper of a headache hung around for most of the day, and came back for a second visit this morning. Nothing says “great start to a day” like a headache. I did get some relief last night when I switched from ibuprofen to aspirin, and I think it was the change in medications that made the difference. I do tend to switch pain relievers every so often. Maybe the ibuprofen wasn’t helping because my body was too used to it? With some pain relievers, your body can build up a tolerance — meaning … Continue reading

Iron Man Does Well at the Box Office

Let me start this blog by saying that I am not a big fan of superheroes. Yes, I went and saw several of the Superman, Batman, and Spiderman movies, but it was never without a date. My husband made me sit through Van Helsing and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and they were okay. I will watch a superhero movie once without much fuss, but don’t expect me to ever see it again. It has just never been my thing and at the age I am now, I don’t expect that to ever change. However, I am now convinced the … Continue reading

Cocaine: Tolerance, Dependence and Withdrawal

Cocaine is often taken in conjunction with other drugs to offset the negative side effects of the former. Hence tranquillizers, alcohol, marijuana, and heroin are often used to bring the user “down” and to help them sleep. This unfortunate situation means that the regular cocaine user who is dependent on the drug now finds him or herself dependent or a raft of other legal and illegal medications. Use of cocaine during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, or if the baby is carried to full term, may result in a low birth weigh baby, premature delivery, and signs of cocaine … Continue reading

Cocaine: Side Effects and Long-term Effects

This is our second article on cocaine and looks at the common short-term side effects and long-term effects of regular usage. The effect of cocaine on the body is determined by a number of factors including how much is ingested, the purity of the supply, your weight and height, your general health, your mood at the time of ingesting the drug, your past experiences with cocaine and whether or not other drugs such as alcohol, are taken simultaneously. The immediate effects of cocaine ingestion are a feeling of confidence and wellbeing, a sensation of being excited, a propensity to take … Continue reading

Cocaine: Effects and Uses

In our continuing series on illegal drugs, today we look at cocaine in all its available forms. Cocaine is derived from the leaves of the coca plant which is indigenous to South America. A young Sigmund Freud wrote of its properties and noted that it warded off hunger and sleep and increased powers of concentration. Latin Americans chewed coca leaves for centuries to ward off hunger and fatigue and it was even an ingredient of Coca Cola until the 1920s. In small amounts, cocaine increases alertness, produces feelings of euphoria, raises heart rate and blood pressure and causes insomnia and … Continue reading

The One Thing That No One Wants to Talk About

When Isaiah’s birth mother signed relinquishment papers, Nancy and I agreed that we would provide pictures and a written narrative to her for all of the boys every six months through an intermediary, our adoption agency. We had sent the first pictures. The adoption was not yet finalized. When she picked up the pictures, Lola sent us a note that jolted everyone. It said that she had tested positive for the HIV virus. There is always a significant risk when you are dealing with someone who has a lifestyle of very risky sexual habits and drug addiction. Our legal system … Continue reading

Gotcha Day #4

In July 2004, we were informed in a surprise phone call that the birth mother of the four boys that we were about to adopt, had delivered another boy. After a brief skirmish with state social workers, it was time for Gotcha Day for Isaiah. The other boys had been brought to us, but this time we were asked to come pick our new child up. It was to be a busy day at the state office. First, the family that Isaiah had been placed with for ten days had to bring him in. We were willing to meet with … Continue reading

Birth Parents Love Their Kids

Yes, I have over generalized the title. I’m sure there are birth parents out there that do not feel love for their children. As you read bulletins of waiting children you may be left wondering if many of these parents really cared about their kids. Who would want to harm a child that they love? In learning of the stories behind my children’s entrance into state care, I wondered what kind of love their birth mothers especially had. Both had substance abuse issues while they were pregnant and both were in relationships that involved domestic violence at some point. Both … Continue reading