Things to Consider When Seeking a Diagnosis for Your Child

Perhaps the most frustrating thing we’ve had to deal with regarding our special needs children, who were adopted, is getting them diagnosed so we can get them the help they need. Parents who have biological children often have trouble obtaining a diagnosis when they need it as well. The difference is that a biological parent often has a family medical history. Chances are too a person who has custody of their biological child is less likely to have abused illegal drugs during their pregnancy. In considering where our children’s concerning behaviors come from, there were some things we needed to … Continue reading

Considerations in Adoption: Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure

Ideally when a prospective adoptive couple or individual are planning on adopting, they are hoping to adopt a healthy baby or child. Often a couple won’t consider adopting a child whose birthmother used drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. Let me make note, before going further, that using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy is wrong. However, it is an unfortunate reality that women do use drug and alcohol during pregnancy and if you decide to rule out a prenatally exposed baby you are ruling out a large portion of adoptable children. In the past few decades long term research has been … Continue reading