Plugged In Parent?

Are you a plugged in parent?  I’m talking about the kind of parent who is involved in your teenager’s life…in such a way that you would recognize signs of bad behavior.  Things like drinking, drugs, oh, even prostitution. Can you imagine not knowing that your teenager was not only sexually active but had been with married men?  Had prostituted herself out in order to get ecstasy? That was the situation in a recent Dr. Phil show I watched.  I would have to say this was probably the most clueless mother I have ever seen. The specifics of the show don’t … Continue reading

8 Ways We Self-Medicate Anxiety

Everyone knows what it’s like to have anxious moments. In fact, our body’s natural stress response is an invaluable tool we need to respond appropriately in times of crisis or danger. But when it is a near-constant companion – fueled by everyday thoughts or situations that do not warrant a heightened stress response – anxiety can be harmful. In fact, it can hurt so much our minds and bodies become desperate for relief, any relief, as fleeting as it may be. Though there are healthy means of relieving anxiety, such as exercise, meditation and prayer, all too often we choose … Continue reading

Good and Bad News for Teenagers in America

Well its good and bad news for teenagers in America. The good news is that fewer teens are having babies and preterm birth rates are going down, along with death rates as a result of injury. There are also fewer teens participating in binge drinking. All of this comes from an annual report, “American’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2011” released from the “Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics”. I wish I could leave it at that but there is also some bad news. More teens are living in conditions of poverty and homes where at least … Continue reading

Have You Heard of Digital Drugs?

As I was searching for some teen information online I accidentally ran across something I had never heard of, digital drugs. It is a way for people to “get high” while listening to these strange sound waves. You can easily find this on YouTube. Since I am always trying to stay one step ahead of the teen culture, I decided to check out one of the videos. You listen to about nine minutes of what I feel is nothing more than an annoying sound. Its apparently more effective listening to this with headphones on but I literally could stand less … Continue reading

Paris Hilton’s Cocaine Bust

It’s is almost as if Lindsay Lohan tagged Paris Hilton on her way out of rehab. These two seem to share the limelight for their notorious behavior and this week, it is Paris’ turn to be in the news. Hilton was arrested last night in Las Vegas. The officers pulled over the vehicle in which Paris was riding as it sat in front of the Wynn Hotel. It is assumed Hilton was in front of the hotel because her boyfriend Cy Waits runs a nightclub there. Police expected to find marijuana in the vehicle because smoke was coming out the … Continue reading

Alhohol Abuse in Single-Parent Teens

Studies have shown that children who are raised in single parent households are at a higher risk of developing alcohol-related problems. This could possibly be due to low supervision, inconsistent discipline, poor communication, or conflicts within the family. Teens with the highest risk of developing alcoholism are girls, those who begin drinking prior to age 14, and those with a parent who suffers from alcohol-related problems. Alcohol contributes to a number of problems, including an inability to pay attention, the risk for developing alcoholism, car-related deaths, higher risk for suicide, greater possibility of engaging in unprotected sex or sex with … Continue reading

Dealing with a Sick Spouse

Yesterday’s blog, and things that have been happening around here, started me thinking about dealing with a sick spouse. We all know that part of the marriage service that says ‘in sickness and in health,’ but it’s easy to overlook or not be aware just what a difference it can make when your spouse is sick. Whether it is a temporary ailment or a more permanent and serious illness it can still take its toll, not just on the one who is sick but on the one looking after them as well. A woman recently, who had a husband in … Continue reading

Howard K. Stern Arrested for Giving Anna Nicole Smith Drugs

And here you thought you had heard the last of Howard K. Stern… wishful thinking. The man who was at the forefront of the Anna Nicole Smith baby paternity battle is making headlines yet again. This time, though, the issue is not child’s play. Rather, Stern has been formally charged with conspiring to furnish drugs to the Playboy Playmate prior to her death. According to reports, Stern, who at one time referred to himself as Smith’s fiance and claimed to be the father of her daughter Dannielyn, was arrested and charged with allegedly conspiring to “fuel an addict with prescription … Continue reading

Parent Role Reversal

Reading about a parent punishing a child for doing drugs is nothing out of the ordinary, but when a teen calls the cops on her own mother for smoking pot, it makes front-page news. At least it did in Waverly, Nebraska. That’s where a 15-year-old girl turned in her mom for allegedly smoking marijuana in front of her. According to police reports, the high school freshman called the sheriff’s office after she got fed up with her mom’s pot habit. Authorities executed a search warrant of the girl’s home last week and took the teen’s mom into custody. The 32-year-old … Continue reading

Father Furious After 9-Year-Old Daughter is Accused of Selling “Drugs” at School

When you hear the word “drugs” what substances come to mind? Most people would answer: marijuana, cocaine, Ecstasy, PCP, or perhaps even alcohol. I doubt many individuals would categorize Vitamin C as a drug… unless, of course, you’re a fourth grade teacher in Florida. According to reports, said teacher accused one of her students of not only possessing drugs, but also of selling them after she saw the girl receive money for a Halls Defense Vitamin C cough drop. No kidding. In an interview 9-year-old Khalin Rivenbark and her father did with a local Florida TV station the girl says … Continue reading