Frank the Shotgun Riding Duck

Last week my friend Kim (of adopted Rocky the cat notoriety) sent me an article from, one of her local news stations’ websites. She lives in Denver, but the story was about a duck in Minneapolis named Frank and his duck-hunting owner Joe Mansheim. When he’s not hunting ducks, Joe drives a truck. He delivers construction materials. Frank the duck “helps” him. Why does Joe have a duck for a sidekick instead of something more traditional like a dog? Well, Joe does have a dog, but it’s because of the dog that he now also has the duck. Apparently … Continue reading

Animal Folktales: Drakestail

This is a special story for me — when I was in sixth grade, I took part in a storytelling workshop at my local library. Of the kids at my library who participated, I was chosen to go and tell my story again at the main branch of the county library system. Of those storytellers, three were asked to go on local cable and tell their stories a third time. It was my first exposure to the magic of being a storyteller — and I have loved sharing stories ever since. This is the story I learned. Drakestail was a … Continue reading