Are We a “Functional” Family?

When I was growing up, the big talk in the pop psychology world was all about “dysfunctional” families. Everyone I know who is close to my age and even older is convinced that they came from a dysfunctional family. I don’t know why, but over the years my ideas around what is truly dysfunctional have been modified. As a single parent family, I think that many of worry that our single parent status will be the catalyst that sends our family into dysfunction—but are we REALLY a dysfunctional family? What does it take to be a functional one? In my … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays with Dysfunctional Family: Going Home with the Right Heart

Hopefully your visit with family brings new light to those who don’t yet know Jesus. I really sincerely pray your family is intrigued by what is “different” in you. This has always been my hope for my husband and me as well. I really feel if I hadn’t been a Christian, there would really be no in point visiting certain people. I know the Lord was encouraging us to press on and pray. He wanted us to trust He was with us. We never left families’ homes without something to pray for. There is a time to say enough is … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays with Dysfunctional Family: Tactless Comments and Rude Behavior

So you’ve prepared for the battle zone knowing you don’t go it alone, but with Christ in your heart. Fear and anxiety overcome you as your vehicle rolls up to your family’s home. You say a quick prayer, “Lord Jesus, go before me now; help me to speak only what You would have me speak. Help me to see these people through Your eyes.” You walk in the door and are greeted by smiles and a couple hugs. Seems everyone has made themselves at home chatting, eating their deviled eggs and veggie assortment; yes, everyone seems comfortable and content except … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays with Dysfunctional Family: Preparation

I’m creating a three part survival kit here. Perhaps you can relate to this family’s situation: The holiday time seemed to be more stress than enjoyment with one couple. Since decreasing contact with some of their extended family, and spending more time with the other, things have been a tad more peaceful. Prior to having children, a certain young couple was able to endure, hoping the current year would be better than the prior one. The wife watched her husband become moody every year around November due to the stress of the upcoming visits. After the gatherings (usually around Christmas … Continue reading