E-Mail Crisis! What to Do When…

We have all been there. The time that you inadvertently sent an e-mail that you shouldn’t have sent. Misdirected e-mail is even a common subject matter for sitcoms and movies. But sometimes the consequences aren’t so funny. For instance, what if you sent out an e-mail to your boss that was full of typos or incorrect information? Or instead of forwarding a message asking advice about a demanding friend, you hit the reply button and sent your thoughts or discouraging remarks right back to the person you were complaining about? Maybe you sent someone an attachment that had personal information, … Continue reading

Do You Really Want to Put That In Writing?

Contracts are good; having a paper trail of decisions you make and communications you’ve had with clients and customers is also good; putting an insulting diatribe into an e-mail or an unprofessional letter and actually sending it–not good. It is a good idea to think twice (at least) about what you put in writing and what the long term effects will be on you home-based business. The idea behind putting something in writing is to make it permanent and lasting and to create a perpetual record. I think people forget that e-mail is not just an extension of a telephone … Continue reading

Too Much List Serve and Newsletter E-mail

It does not take long—first you sign up for a few business-related newsletters and join a list serve or two to help you keep your finger on the pulse as you build your home-based business, and before you know it—you’ve got an e-mail inbox chock full of STUFF, more stuff than you could ever actually get to and read, let alone respond to… Recently, in preparation for a business trip that I am taking in September, I signed up for some frequent flyer programs on a couple different airlines. Now, every day, I get 3-4 newsletters and e-mails deposited in … Continue reading

Campfire E-Mail

Graham crackers? Check. Marshmallows? Check. Bug spray? Check. Laptop? Uh Check. Remember when camping meant getting away from it all? Camping is a sort of mini vacation from life, when you leave your phone and other modern conveniences behind to bond with nature. Well, times they are a-changing. These days, roughing it may mean living without a modern bathroom but not without e-mail. That is because more and more campgrounds are catering to those of us who are wired up to our laptops and other technical devices 24/7. Increasingly, people are wondering, what is a campground without Wi-Fi Internet access? … Continue reading

Keeping All Your E-mail Accounts Organized

I am not exactly how I have collected different e-mail addresses and accounts over the years. I remember what a big deal it was a decade or so ago when I got my very first e-mail address, and now, I’ve had various accounts for jobs and work and changed providers a time or two. Keeping all of that information organized can take some effort! If only it was just a matter of changing an e-mail account or provider and getting on with things. Unfortunately, you may have used a specific e-mail address on one web site or link, and another … Continue reading

Keeping Your E-mail Addresses Current

It is becoming increasingly “standard practice” for more and more businesses to do a lion’s share of their marketing over e-mail. This means that a small home business owner needs to learn how to manage distribution lists—including acquiring them, keeping them accurate, and learning how to NOT abuse those e-mail addresses. One thing you will find early on is that every time you send out a group or broadcast e-mail, you are likely to get several “bounces”—unless you manage and respond to those bounces, your e-mail marketing can quickly become inefficient and obsolete. When you get an e-mail bounce, that … Continue reading

Making the Most of Your Email Signature

By now, I am sure we are all on board with the fact that email is here to stay and we’ve even played around with how important our email is to our home businesses. BUT, are you making the most of your email to promote and market your business? It might be as easy as making some adjustments and changes to your email signature. It is quite easy to set your email setting (regardless of whether you are using Outlook or some other email program) to have a set “signature” line at the bottom of every e-mail you send. You … Continue reading

Communicating With Kids Using E-mail and Instant Messages

I confess, I have stooped to my kids’ level–or to hear them describe it, they might say that I have RISEN to their level. I actually use e-mail and instant messaging (I haven’t mastered “texting”) to communicate and stay in touch with my teenagers. There is something completely un-charged about e-mail. I think that I communicate differently with my kids in writing and we show different sides of ourselves in our written notes that we do when we are face to face. As a matter of fact, during some of the snarkiest phases, talking face to face has been downright … Continue reading

Could You Check Your E-mail Once a Day?

A colleague recently told me that in order to be truly efficient at work, workers needed to spend less time on e-mail. His suggestion was that people only check their e-mail once, or at most, twice a day (I’m thinking morning and evening was his general idea) and spend the rest of the time doing other work-related tasks. While I had a good chuckle over his recommendation, it got me to thinking—could I work and only check my e-mail once a day? Well, I think the answer is NO. But, I have been able to go without e-mail access for … Continue reading

Inserting Attachments: Outlook Express

Want to insert attachments in Outlook Express? Whether it is a document or an image, there are three easy ways to insert an attachment into your e-mail message. For this tip, we are working with Outlook Express 6 e-mail messages, but these tips may still apply to older versions of the software. The first way to attach your document or image is by clicking on the attachment button. You will find this button on the new message toolbar. Clicking on this button causes a dialogue box to pop up. This box is the insert attachment box. It will ask you … Continue reading