How Not to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

My dog Moose has been doing that head shake lately — the one that says ear mites might be to blame. If you’re a dog owner, you may know what I’m talking about: one ear at half mast, frantic head shaking, lots of ear scratching. A quick swipe with a baby wipe showed me that he has debris in the wonky ear. Ear mite debris is usually very dark, and looks a bit like coffee grinds. This was lighter in color, so maybe ear mites aren’t to blame. Maybe he’s got an excess of ear wax, or some other kind … Continue reading

Health Concerns With Regard to Ear Piercing

Okay, you’ve decided to go ahead and get your daughter’s ears pierced. Medical experts agree that you should: Wait till after the second set of immunizations Be sure the piercing instruments are sterile Once the ears are pierced, you need to make sure that the earrings are kept in a sterile environment. That means you should twist the earrings once or a twice a day during the first few weeks after the piercing. Be sure to clean the back and front of the ear with a q-tip and some alcohol. You should remove the earrings once a week, at least … Continue reading

Grooming: Your Dog’s Ears

Floppy, pointy, long or short… dog ears are soft, cute, and totally lovable! They’re also a great place for mites, bacteria, and infections. If you notice your dog scratching at her ears constantly, or shaking her head… she may have trouble brewing. Don’t feel like a bad parent if your dog starts to have ear problems; these things do happen from time to time. My Lally Beeber and her cute ears. Short haired and upright = easy to clean. Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly can help cut down on problems. And they’re not easy to clean. Let’s be honest… a … Continue reading